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Updates: Former President Donald Trump campaigns in Virginia

Updates: Former President Donald Trump campaigns in Virginia


The Republican presidential candidate's event comes a day after he faced Democratic President Joe Biden on the debate stage.

NORFOLK, Va. Former President Donald Trump lands in Chesapeake for a campaign event Friday afternoon as his campaign seeks to make Virginia competitive in the 2024 presidential election.

The Republican presidential candidate's event will take place at Historic Greenbrier Farms at 3 p.m., where he is expected to address Biden's economic record. It is his first event after the first presidential debate of the 2024 election season on Thursday night.

RELATED: Presidential debate: Takeaways from the first showdown between Biden and Trump

Follow 13News Now's live coverage as we track traffic impacts, the event itself, political impacts of the event and much more.

11:50 a.m. Democrats criticize Trump's Chesapeake visit, call him anti-veteran

Ahead of former President Donald Trump's arrival in Chesapeake, Virginia Democrats and veterans shared one message: Trump is not welcome.

Virginia Democratic leaders and two veterans spoke at a news conference Friday morning and didn't mince words when it came to their feelings about the former president and his visit.

Virginia Democratic Party Chairwoman Susan Swecker says former President Donald Trump should apologize for allegedly calling veterans morons and losers.

She also called out Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin for supporting Trump after some of his comments about the military.

Retired Air Force Col. Sean Monterio called Trump's visit to Chesapeake offensive and sees President Joe Biden as the obvious choice for the White House.

“Let me be very clear: Trump is not welcome here in one of the most military-friendly parts of the country,” Monterio said. “Trump is never again welcome to serve as commander in chief of all United States armed forces. Everything he says goes against my values ​​as a veteran.”

Their full statements will be posted on @13NewsNow starting at 4:00 p.m.

– Sarah Hammond (@SarahHammondTV) June 28, 2024

11:00 AM Democratic candidate for US House of Representatives in VA-02 withdraws from anti-Trump presser

Missy Cotter Smasal, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District, pulled out of Virginia Democrats' 10 a.m. press conference ahead of the Trump event.

She was scheduled to appear with Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) Chairwoman Susan Swecker and DNC Veterans and Military Families Council Chairman and Army veteran Terron Sims.

It's unclear why she withdrew, but 13News Now has reached out to her campaign for more information. According to a DNC press release, the three men were going to “denounce Donald Trump for his long record of disrespecting Americans in uniform.”

We're scheduled to hear from DPVA Chair Susan Swecker, Chairman of the DNC Veterans and Military Families Council, and Army veteran Terron Sims. Democratic candidate for VA-02 and Navy veteran Missy Cotter Smasal is no longer running.

— Sarah Hammond (@SarahHammondTV) June 28, 2024

Smasal faces Republican U.S. Rep. Jen Kiggans, who is seeking a second term in the competitive Hampton Roads-centered district that includes Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk and Franklin, as well as Southampton, Isle of Wight, Northampton and Accomack counties.

The 2024 House elections in Virginia's 2nd District are expected to be hotly contested, given the close outcome of the 2022 election and the district's history of changing hands between Democrats and Republicans. Kiggans, who was a Virginia state senator, defeated two-term Democratic incumbent Elaine Luria 51 percent to 48 percent.

10:45 a.m. DNC broadcasts mobile billboard criticizing Trump's alleged comments on war dead

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) set up a mobile billboard outside the event criticizing the former president's alleged comments about captured or killed members of the U.S. military, calling them losers and fools.

“Despite his best efforts, Democrats will not allow Trump to escape his heinous record,” the DNC wrote in a press release. “As Donald Trump arrives today in Chesapeake, Virginia, the DNC will surround Trump’s event with a mobile billboard highlighting his continued disrespect and contempt for America’s soldiers and veterans.”

The video is available on YouTube.

9:47 Thousands outside waiting for Trump event


Thousands of people are beginning to line up for Donald Trump's visit to Chesapeake, marking the former president's first stop after last night's first presidential debate.

Hours ago, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Virginia is in the running for 2024. @13NewsNow

— Alex Littlehales 13News Now (@AlexLittlehales) June 28, 2024

9:20 a.m. Crowds lining up in Chesapeake

8:40 The stage is set for Trump's rally

13News Now's Alex Littlehales is at the site of Trump's rally in Chesapeake. Here's a look at where it will take place.

8:25 a.m. Virginia Democrats to hold veterans news conference before rally

Virginia Democrats hold a news conference with military veterans ahead of former Republican President Donald Trump's rally in Chesapeake on Friday.

The press conference will begin at 10 a.m. and will feature Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) Chairwoman Susan Swecker; Missy Cotter Smasal, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Virginia's 2nd District and Navy veteran; and Chairman of the DNC Veterans and Military Families Council and Army veteran Terron Sims.

RELATED: Virginia Democrats to hold news conference for military veterans ahead of Trump rally in Chesapeake

“Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to the Hampton Roads region, home to nearly 120,000 active-duty military members and 220,000 veterans, speakers will call out Donald Trump for his long history of disrespecting Americans in uniform, including calling those killed in the line of duty ‘morons’ and ‘losers,’” the DPVA said in a press release, referring to the former president’s alleged remarks.

8:15 a.m. 'Virginia is at stake,' Gov. Glenn Youngkin says hours before Trump rally

During an appearance on Fox News Friday morning, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin expressed excitement about Trump's visit to his state.

The Republican governor recently met with Trump, confirming to 13News Now that the two discussed strategy for winning Virginia. Virginia has long swung between Republican and Democrat, but the state hasn't had a Republican presidential candidate since the 2004 election.

Youngkin said Trump's visit to Chesapeake signals that “Virginia is in play,” even though Biden won the state by 10 points in the 2020 presidential election.

“I'm so happy he's coming,” Youngkin told Fox News, adding that his visit to the Commonwealth is notable since it comes a day after the first presidential debate of 2024.

Youngkin also took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share his thoughts on the debate, in which the Democratic president had a shaky performance against Trump.

“Could it be clearer? Strength versus weakness,” Youngkin wrote. “That’s why Virginia is at stake. See you tomorrow in Chesapeake, Mr. President!”

6 a.m. How Trump's visit to Chesapeake is expected to cause traffic problems on Friday

Chesapeakes Public Communications Director Heath Covey told 13News that up to 10,000 people could now attend.

We know there will be a lot of traffic and congestion throughout the day Friday,” Covey said.

Covey said city staff were helping the Secret Service prepare for Trump's visit. He said police officers, firefighters and sheriff's deputies will be on the bridge. Medical support will also be provided on site.

RELATED: How Trump's visit to Chesapeake is expected to cause traffic problems Friday




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