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Trump sidesteps debate over whether or not he accepts the election result

Trump sidesteps debate over whether or not he accepts the election result


7 hours ago

By Tiffany Wertheimer, BBC News


Donald Trump has refused to say explicitly whether he will accept the result of the US presidential election in November.

During his first debate with President Joe Biden on Thursday, Trump was asked three times whether he would accept the outcome “regardless of who wins,” ultimately answering: If the election is fair, legal and good, absolutely.

Trump lost his chance for a second presidential term to Mr Biden in the 2020 election. Since then, he has consistently claimed the vote was rigged against him, without providing any evidence.

During Thursday night's debate, Trump reiterated those claims and downplayed his role in the January 6 Capitol riots.

Mr Biden hit back by accusing Trump of continuing to promote the lie that the election was “stolen” from him.

During the debate, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Trump remained largely calm and focused, while his opponent struggled to maintain his train of thought and at times finish his sentences clearly.

CNN moderator Dana Bash had to repeatedly ask Trump if he would accept the election results. The first time, he dodged the question by saying he wanted a free and fair election “more than anyone.”

The second time, he ignored the question and began to rail against the war in Ukraine, saying that Vladimir Putin would never have invaded the country if he had been president of the United States because “I got on very well with him… he knew not to play games.”

The third time, when asked to answer “yes or no,” Trump finally said he would “absolutely” accept the result if the election was “fair, legal and good.”

He then referred to the “ridiculous” fraud in the last election, for which there is no evidence. Trump’s repeated claims about the 2020 vote are tied to the criminal charges he currently faces, with federal prosecutors alleging he pressured officials to overturn the results and knowingly spread lies about voter fraud.

Trump then said it would be easier for him to accept the results than to have to run for president again.

“I doubt you'll accept it because you're a whiner,” Biden said. “You can't handle loss. Something broke inside you when you lost last time.”

Trump reluctant to accept election results

Abortion demands

Trump made several claims during the debate that either have no evidence or are factually false.

On abortion, Trump turned to what he called Democratic extremism, according to which the party wants to “take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth.” He even got violent when he said that they want to “rip the baby out of the womb.”

“That’s simply not true,” Mr. Biden said.

Trump's comment stems from a widespread lie among anti-abortion activists that Democrats would favor a policy allowing abortion up to birth.

When the debate turned to the January 6 riot, Trump sidestepped the question of what he would say to voters who are concerned about his actions and inaction that day, and that he could do it again.

Instead, he tried to shift attention to Mr. Biden, saying the United States went from being a respected state “around the world” to a laughing stock when the Democrat became president.

Trump insisted he told protesters to be “peacefully patriotic.”

“What they did to such innocent people, you should be ashamed of yourself,” he told Mr. Biden, who criticized him for refusing to denounce the rioters.

Trump pledged to pardon “a large number” of people convicted of riot-related offenses, describing them as “January 6 hostages.”

He also blamed the chaos on then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying he offered her 10,000 National Guard troops but she “turned them down.”

According to the commission of inquiry into the insurrection, there is no evidence that this offer was ever made. It was also refuted by Trump's acting defense secretary, Christopher Miller.

“Suckers and Losers”

Another exchange that led to one of the night's most tense moments came when Mr. Biden accused Trump of calling fallen veterans “suckers and losers.”

My son served in Iraq, the president said. He lived next to burn pits. He came back with glioblastoma. [Trump] They called the veterans losers and morons. My son was not a loser. He wasn't a jerk. You're the loser. You're the moron.

Allegations that Trump canceled a 2018 visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France because there were “losers” there first surfaced in 2020. Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly later confirmed Trump’s comments.

On the debate stage, Trump denied the comments and accused Biden of falsifying the quote.

It was a made-up quote. Idiots and losers. They invented it. It was in a third rate magazine that is going bankrupt like many of these magazines. [Biden] invented that. He put it in commercials. We had 19 people say I didn't say it.




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