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Did Donald Trump Say Imran Khan Supports Israel?

Did Donald Trump Say Imran Khan Supports Israel?


Claim: Former US President Donald Trump said that former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was a supporter of Israel and supported normalizing relations with Israel.

Fact: This claim is false because the video is AI-generated. There is no credible media report suggesting that Trump made this claim. A screenshot of a Washington Post article with a subheading also suggests that this claim is fake.

On June 16, 2024, X (formerly Twitter) user Tahir Mughal Pmln posted (archive) on X claiming that former US President Donald Trump had said that former Pakistani Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Imran Khan was a supporter of Israel.

The message contains three clips. In the first clip, Trump can be heard saying that Imran Khan is a supporter of Israel. He told me this himself. He is a cheat, a manipulator. But what he forgot is that he cannot manipulate the manipulator. And I, ladies and gentlemen, am the manipulator.

The second clip contains a screenshot of a Washington Post article titled The first thing Trump will do is tackle the situation in Gaza by Philip Bump published on June 16, 2024. The caption states that Imran Khan told me he fully supports normalization with Israel, but I can't say that publicly. The clip is accompanied by Trump's voice where he repeats the same phrase.

The third clip contains a photo of Trump and Khan accompanied by audio of Trump repeating the same thing.

Fact or fiction?

Soch Fact Check found that Trump’s video is either edited or AI-generated. We identified two key indicators of manipulation: a lip sync mismatch and constrained lip movements. Trump’s lip movements are out of sync with the audio and don’t perfectly match it. This mismatch is often a sign of edited or AI-generated content. The lip movements in Trump’s video are also limited or constrained, which is another characteristic of AI-generated videos, as they typically struggle to perfectly replicate natural, fluid lip movements.

These observations suggest that the video in question is not authentic but a manipulated or AI-generated recording.

Browsing the Politics section of the Washington Post website, Soch Fact Check discovered that they only published one article (archive) on June 16. However, its title does not match that of the viral claim. In fact, the article is about Biden and Obama warning of the dangers of a possible second Donald Trump term at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles.

We also found a Washington Post article (archive) by Philip Bump, published on June 18, titled “Trump has his own agenda. He just doesn’t talk about it much.” While the author’s name matches the viral claim, the article’s title, date, and timestamp are different.

On this basis, we found that the Washington Post did not publish any article with the headline: “The first thing Trump will do is address the situation in Gaza. The screenshot of one such article included in the viral claim appears to have been falsified. The Washington Post formats articles about its app differently than the image in the claim. Some examples can be seen here and here.

When Soch Fact Check investigated the third clip, we found that the photo was from July 2019, when Imran Khan met Donald Trump in the US during an official visit as the then Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Additionally, a keyword search on Google failed to find any credible reports suggesting that Trump made such a statement about Khan. So it is very likely that the audio in both clips is fake or AI-generated.

It is also important to note that Khan has consistently opposed normalizing relations with Israel. In 2020, as Prime Minister of Pakistan, Khan stated that his country would not recognize Israel until there was a Palestinian state acceptable to the Palestinians.


The complaint can be found here on X.

@Tahirmughalpml8's post gained popularity with 34,300 views, 1,400 likes and 1,000 reposts.

On Facebook it was posted here, here, here, here and here.

Conclusion: A video of Donald Trump claiming that Imran Khan supports Israel and approves of normalization of relations with Israel is generated by AI. No credible media reports support this claim. Additionally, the screenshot of a Washington Post article suggests that this claim is falsified.

To appeal our fact check, please email [email protected]




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