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Sunak hurt and angry over racist insults by reform volunteer

Sunak hurt and angry over racist insults by reform volunteer


Stockton-on-Tees: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Friday he was hurt and angry that a supporter of Nigel Farage's right-wing Reform UK party was recorded making racist insults about him, saying it was too important for him not to do it. speak out.

Sunak, Britain's first prime minister from an ethnic minority, was responding to comments broadcast by Channel 4 Newsby a man named Andrew Parker calling Sunak a “fucking Paki” – a British racial slur for people of South Asian descent.

Sunak, currently campaigning for a July 4 national election that his conservative party is likely to lose after 14 years in power, was born in the southern English port city of Southampton to Hindu parents of Indian origin. Punjabi.

“My two daughters have to see and hear the reformists who are campaigning for Nigel Farage calling me a bloody Paki. It hurts me and it angers me, and I think he has questions he needs to answer,” Sunak told broadcasters.

“I do not repeat these words lightly, I do it deliberately because it is too important not to say it clearly for what it is,” he added.

Farage said on Thursday, when his comments were first broadcast, that he was appalled by the language used. But on Friday he suggested, without providing evidence, that Parker was an actor involved in a “complete and utter frame-up” to undermine the Reform Party during the election campaign.

“He (Parker) was acting as soon as he came into office,” Farage told the BBC.

Channel 4 News said his reporters did not know Parker before meeting him as a reform volunteer.

In the secretly filmed video, Parker says: “I've always voted Conservative, but what annoys me is this fucking Pakistani guy we've got. What's he good for? Tell me, you know. He's just wet. He's fucking useless.”

Parker later told Channel 4 News in a statement that he had apologised to Farage and the Reform Party “if my personal views have reflected poorly on them and brought them into disrepute, as that was not my intention”. His statement did not refer to Sunak.

Reuters Parker could not immediately be reached for comment.

Election campaign

Sunak, 44, became prime minister in 2022 after first serving as finance minister, steering Britain's economy through the coronavirus pandemic during Boris Johnson's tenure.

He told journalists traveling with him on an election campaign bus on Friday that for the vast majority of Britons, people should be judged on their merits and character, not their skin color or gender .

Sunder Katwala, director of British Future, a non-partisan think tank that focuses on migration and identity, echoed that comment.

“For most voters, Sunak's ethnic and religious background, which they are aware of, is not the dominant criterion in how they perceive his strengths and weaknesses,” Katwala said.

Voters will judge Sunak mainly on his record, Katwala said, pointing to his popularity during the pandemic, and how it fell sharply after he became prime minister and faced a stagnant economy and difficult times. record wait in hospitals.

The incident involving Parker could hurt the Reform Party because most of his supporters are not racist, although they support a tougher approach to immigration, Katwala added.

“It’s a risk for the party, they have to watch very carefully who they let in,” he said.

This month the Reform Party defended one of its candidates who claimed Britain should have “accepted Hitler's offer of neutrality” during the Second World War, while another Reform Party candidate praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Published June 28, 2024, 4:10 p.m. EAST




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