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Book Teaching Leadership Qualities by Following the Life of Narendra Modi Published in Delhi

Book Teaching Leadership Qualities by Following the Life of Narendra Modi Published in Delhi


The book titled Power Within - The Leadership Legacy of Narendra Modi was launched in Delhi on Friday, June 28, 2024. (Image: X/@amitabhk87)

The book titled Power Within – The Leadership Legacy of Narendra Modi was launched in Delhi on Friday, June 28, 2024. (Image: X/@amitabhk87)

Power Within looks at the Prime Minister's fifty years in public life, exploring the formative years that sowed the seeds of his purpose and leadership.

Delhi on Friday saw a high-profile book on leadership from an Indian perspective, released among a host of eminent personalities. The book Power Within: The Leadership Legacy of Narendra Modi promises to offer a road map for future civil servants and leaders, and draws praise from captains of industry, academia and civil society leaders in India and the world.

The book was launched by Piramal Group Chairman Ajay Piramal, former Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant, NASSCOM Chairman Debjani Ghosh and IIM Bengaluru Prof B Mahadevan at an event at Pradhanmantri Sanghralaya which attracted thought leaders, philanthropists, captains of industry, policy makers and avid readers.

Mr. Piramal, who launched the book, cited four qualities that define Modi's leadership: Sadachar or alignment with values, Seva or alignment with purpose, Shiksha or eagerness to learn and Sadhna or alignment with oneself. He said that together these qualities lead to Shakti, a quality that helps leaders like Prime Minister Modi take decisive and bold decisions like the abrogation of Article 370.

Power Within looks at the Prime Minister’s fifty years in public life, exploring the formative years that sowed the seeds of his purpose and leadership. Through anecdotes from colleagues like Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, it sheds light on the qualities that propelled him to the highest office in the land. It also highlights his ongoing quest for self-discovery in the service of others, offering a roadmap for those aspiring to a life of public service.

Anand Mahindra, Chairman of Mahindra Group, hailed the book as, “A thought-provoking book that will undoubtedly change perspectives and perceptions about powerful leadership.” Bill Gates, meanwhile, sees the book as a journey of exploration to discover how indigenous knowledge and age-old wisdom can inform today’s global leadership.

Ajay Piramal, who launched the book, said he had read it and it must be read at all costs. Modi will be the most studied world leader in the centuries to come, but what we need is a deep understanding of his leadership from our civilisational worldview. Dr Balu fills an important gap here, he said.

The author, Dr. Ramaswami Balasubramaniam (Dr. Balu), who highlighted the need for quality leadership not only from the West but also from India, is an eminent development expert. He is also known for his pioneering development work among rural and tribal communities in Karnataka. He is currently a full-time Human Resources Member of the Capacity Building Commission of the Government of India.

Adil Zainulbhai, Chairman of the Commission, also praised Dr Balu and his recently launched book. Through a meticulously crafted narrative, Dr. Balasubramaniam captured the Prime Minister's leadership journey, interpreting it from both Western and Indian perspectives.

This is not just a book on the Prime Minister, nor is it a biography. This is probably the first such book in which a leadership to-do list is discussed along with anecdotes from the life of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The author has decided to donate the entire proceeds of this book to PM CARES and some NGOs.




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