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Boris Johnson praises Rishi Sunak, urges Britons to avoid 'Starmergeddon' | Politics | News

Boris Johnson praises Rishi Sunak, urges Britons to avoid 'Starmergeddon' | Politics | News


Boris Johnson has promised voters it is not too late to avoid the brink of a Labor supermajority by next Thursday.

In his latest gripping column, the former prime minister says Britain can still collectively come to its senses and avoid the bottle of Keir Starmer, Angela Rayner and a decade of socialism.

Write for the Daily Mail this afternoonMr Johnson warns that if the polls are correct, Britain is on the verge of ushering in left-wing socialist supremacy that will last a decade or more, with Sir Keir securing an absolutely colossal parliamentary majority.

In a show of unity with Rishi Sunak, Mr Johnson was full of praise for his successor at 10 Downing Street, writing that the Prime Minister completely trashed his opponent on illegal migration in this week's BBC debate , and on other subjects.

He attacks the historically unpopular leader of the opposition: the more we are interested in Starmerism, the more left-wing and dangerous it turns out to be.

Do the British people want even higher taxes imposed on them after having already paid so much money? Do they really need it?

No, certainly not, and yet that is what Starmerism means. The Labor Party is now so sure of its victory that it no longer even bothers to conceal its program to destroy your property, your pensions and much more.

Take it all together, the grim reality of Starmer's program and the mystery is easily solved. This is why Starmer is so strangely unloved, for a man on the verge of triumph. It's not just that Starmer doesn't have Blair's charisma; it lacks the broad appeal of Blair's policies.

Comparing Sir Keir to Tony Blair, Mr Johnson points out that while the 1997 winner and his then Home Secretary believed in the importance of going after criminals, Sir Keir believes in let out early.

He talks at length about his time with the CPS, but ask any police officer about his mandate. The service was known as the Criminal Protection Service.

In another major attack on Nigel Farage, Mr Johnson argues that Labour is on the verge of a landslide victory only because many Conservative voters have had enough and are preparing to stay home or vote for other parties such as Reform – even if they turn out to be Putin's pet parrots.

Conservative Party headquarters will be delighted with Mr Johnson's praise for Mr Sunak, who he said showed what he could do in this week's one-on-one debate with Sir Keir.

The former prime minister added: “On any fair interpretation, he won. »

In a final rallying cry before polling day, Mr Johnson implores former Tory voters: “It is by no means too late to tilt the wheel in the direction of common sense, avoid 'Starmergeddon' and prevent this country to go completely in the wrong direction. »




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