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Trump debate performance: incessant attacks and lies

Trump debate performance: incessant attacks and lies


During most of Thursday night's debate, former President Donald J. Trump verbally hit President Biden, portraying his political opponent as an ineffective leader with a torrent of attacks that were often false, lacking context or vague enough to be misleading.

Mr Trump directly attacked Mr Biden's personal character, calling him weak and disrespected by world leaders who mocked him.

He tried to accuse Mr. Biden of corruption, calling the president a Manchurian candidate paid by China, a nod to frequent accusations of undue influence for which there is no evidence.

He directly blamed Mr. Biden for the wave of immigration that has killed our citizens at a level we have never seen, a hyperbolic claim that is not supported by available statistics.

And in a wild misrepresentation of the facts, Mr. Trump falsely claimed that Mr. Biden encouraged Russia to attack Ukraine, even though Mr. Biden has consistently tried to rally support for Ukraine and his administration has taken active measures to warn President Vladimir V. Putin that Russia must not invade.

Mr. Trump's remarks during the debate were not substantively different from the way he usually attacks Mr. Biden at his rallies, where he portrays the president as both a bumbling and corrupt leader so that he leads the country to ruin.

But the barrage of attacks during the debate was particularly striking given that Mr. Biden stood just feet away, unable to effectively interrupt or challenge Mr. Trump due to debate rules that kept his microphone muted .

And because the debate moderators, CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, focused on keeping the peace, they didn't even try to verify Mr. Trump's claims, allowing them to go unchallenged.

Mr. Biden has had some licks, including some of the most memorable debates. He said Mr Trump had the morals of an alley cat and accused him of having sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant.

But overall, Mr. Biden found himself on the defensive from the start in the face of a constant stream of insults, false characterizations and attacks from Mr. Trump.

Taking advantage of Mr. Biden's hesitant speech at the start of the debate, Mr. Trump pounced at a point when Mr. Biden stopped speaking, saying: “I really don't know what he said at the end of this sentence. I don't think he knew what he said either. »

But Mr. Trump's most virulent attacks have focused on immigration, an issue that animated his successful 2016 campaign and which he has tried to put at the center of his bid to return to the White House.

The former president brought up the idea of ​​Biden's migrant crime, saying Mr. Biden's lax border policies had allowed terrorists and criminals to cross the border illegally.

Mr. Trump accused his successor of ridiculous, senseless and very stupid policies that fueled a crime wave, citing high-profile murders involving immigrants. He vaguely accused Mr. Biden of killing so many people at our border by failing to curb the influx of migrants, a claim he did not back up with statistics.

Experts believe these high-profile cases do not represent a broader trend. Studies have concluded that immigration does not increase crime rates.

Mr. Trump also directly attacked Mr. Biden's reputation on the international stage. He argued that Mr. Putin was mocking the president's leadership and his failure to secure the release of Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter detained in Russia on espionage charges that U.S. officials vehemently deny.

Our whole country is exploding because they don't respect you, Mr. Trump told Mr. Biden.

He extended these criticisms to the military, saying our veterans and soldiers can't stand the president. (Mr. Trump, while in office, reportedly denigrated senior U.S. military officials.)

In repeating his frequent claims that Mr. Biden is corrupt, Mr. Trump revived his accusations that Mr. Biden improperly received payments from a Chinese energy company associated with his son Hunter and brother James. There is no evidence that any of those payments, which began after Mr. Biden left the vice presidency, went to the president.

But Mr. Trump also directly attacked Hunter Biden, who was convicted this month of three counts related to buying a gun while struggling with drug addiction. He called Hunter a convicted felon at a very high level.

Mr Trump was convicted last month on 34 counts in Manhattan related to payments to a porn star.




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