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Debate takeaways: Trump confident, even if he's wrong, Biden stopping, even with the facts on his side

Debate takeaways: Trump confident, even if he's wrong, Biden stopping, even with the facts on his side


WASHINGTON (AP) The presidential debate was a rerun that featured two candidates whose combined age was 159, but it went particularly poorly for one of them, President Joe Biden.

Already grappling with voter concerns about his age, Biden, 81, began to waver and lose his train of thought Thursday night, quickly raising concerns among Democrats about the man they hope will prevent former President Donald Trump from returning to power. For his part, Trump has repeatedly made false and provocative statements. But Trump has appeared calmer and more vigorous than Biden, who is only three years older than the former Republican president.

The debate covered a wide range of topics, including former President Trump's commitment to suing members of Congress and even the man he was debating. But the overarching theme was the difference in the candidates' performances.

Update on the Biden-Trump debate

The debate was a critical moment in Joe Biden and Donald Trump's presidential rematch to make their case in front of a national television audience. Take a look at the facts surrounding the false and misleading claims both candidates frequently made. The two candidates wasted no time arguing about policy during their 90-minute faceoff. Here are the takeaways.

Here are some takeaways from this confrontation.

Biden doesn't allay fears about his age

Presidential debates are often judged on style and impression rather than substance. Trump was confident and calm, even as he crushed facts on abortion and immigration with false assertions, blatant exaggerations, and empty superlatives. Biden was often hesitant, his voice hoarse, even when he had the facts on his side. He struggled to finish his arguments and organize his attacks.

Trump supporters don’t seem to care about his relationship with the truth, and his performance and rhetoric have helped. Biden supporters constantly express concern about the president’s age and abilities, and he has done little to reassure them.

One of the first glimpses viewers got of Biden was when he lost his train of thought while talking about tax rates and the number of billionaires in the United States. He then looked down at his desk before muttering briefly and saying that we had finally defeated Medicare. When he tried to finish his speech, he was interrupted due to time limits.

At other times, Biden made confusing statements that seemed to undermine what his campaign has touted as its strengths, including the economy and abortion rights. As Biden criticized Trump’s economic record, the president suddenly turned to Afghanistan and how Trump has failed to do anything about it, though the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is widely considered one of the lowest points of Biden’s presidency.

Later, as Biden highlighted state restrictions on abortion, he turned, confusingly, to immigration and referred to a young woman who had just been murdered by an immigrant. It was unclear what point he was trying to make.

Trump won't condemn Jan. 6 attackers, giving Biden an opening

Trump was in the middle of opening the debate when he suddenly wondered how he was going to reassure voters that he would uphold his oath of office following the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

He continued to deny the attack and refused to denounce those who attacked the police and stormed the building, smashing doors and windows. He suggested that those accused will one day be found innocent.

More than 1,400 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the riots. Of those, more than 850 pleaded guilty to crimes, including seditious conspiracy and assaulting police officers. About 200 others were convicted in a trial.

Trump has tried to avoid addressing the issue. He defended the people who stormed the Capitol, accusing Biden of going after them. What they did to such innocent people, you should be ashamed of yourself, Trump told Biden.

Trump has warned that members of the congressional committee investigating the events of January 6 could face criminal charges, as could Biden himself.

Biden replied: “The only person on this stage who is a convicted felon is the man I’m looking at.”

Trump has not given up on his vow of vengeance. Coupled with his refusal to condemn the January 6 attackers, this has made for a difficult moment.

Asked if he would accept the results of the election, Trump said that if it was a fair, legal and good election, he absolutely would, which is not an unqualified yes.

Biden slams Trump over conviction, allegations of sex with porn star

In what may well be a first in a presidential campaign, Trump called President Biden a criminal and said he could very well be prosecuted after he leaves office. Biden then filed a recent criminal trial in New York, during which prosecutors presented evidence that Trump had sex with a porn actor.

I didn't sleep with a porn star, Trump said.

On Abortion, Trump Falsely Says Everyone Is Happy and Biden Misses an Opportunity

Abortion is an issue that Democrats say could contribute to a Democratic victory in November. In 2016, Trump campaigned on overturning Roe v. Wade and, as president, had appointed three Supreme Court justices who voted to revoke abortion rights after 49 years. In response to a question from moderators, Trump vowed not to go further if he returned to the White House, where his administration would have the power to ban the widely used abortion pill mifepristone.

Overturning Roe is one of Trump's biggest political vulnerabilities, but on Thursday the former president said everyone was happy with what he did.

When it comes to abortion, it's the states' responsibility, Trump said, saying the Founding Fathers would have been happy to see Roe ended. Everyone wanted him restored.

This is not true. Polls have shown significant opposition to overturning Roe, and voters have punished Republicans in recent elections for it. The idea that the founders wanted politicians to make decisions about women's health is ridiculous, Biden countered.

In a unanimous decision this month, the Supreme Court preserved access to mifepristone, a pill that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the United States last year.

Until Thursday, Trump had not detailed his position on access to medicines, but during the debate he indicated that he supported the justices' decision, saying: I will not block it.

But when it was his turn to speak, Biden stumbled in his explanation of Roe, which he said had for three quarters represented a lost opportunity for the Democrat to make a strong rhetorical case on an issue vital to his party.

The first time is between a woman and a doctor, Biden continued. The second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. The third time is between the doctor, that is to say between the woman and the State.

Trump blunts Biden's border progress with dark rhetoric

In recent months, Biden has tried to reverse his poor public reputation over his handling of immigration, first by approving a bipartisan Senate proposal that would enact some of the toughest border restrictions in recent memory and then, after that legislation collapsed, by taking executive action to crack down on migrants seeking asylum at the southern border.

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But as Biden tried to tout the progress he has made, including a 40% drop in illegal border crossings since his border directive was implemented this month, Trump invoked his doom and gloom rhetoric to paint a picture of a chaotic border under Biden's watch.

For example, Trump has claimed that migrants arriving at the U.S. border come from mental institutions and insane asylums, a refrain he frequently repeats at rallies for which he has presented no evidence. He has also claimed that the U.S.-Mexico border is the most dangerous place in the world and cited examples of illegal immigrants in the United States who have committed violent crimes.

Although some immigrants commit horrific crimes, a 2020 study published by the National Academy of Sciences found that felony arrest rates were significantly lower among people in the United States illegally than among legal immigrants or people born in the United States. But Trump often takes advantage of his certainty.

It's the economy, and Trump says Biden is stupid

The debate began with Biden defending his economic record, saying he inherited a plummeting economy hit by the coronavirus pandemic and his administration got it back on its feet.

But after Biden touted his administration's accomplishments, such as lowering the cost of insulin and creating millions of new jobs, Trump boasted about overseeing the largest economy in our nation's history and defended his record on the pandemic.

Biden retorted: “He’s the only one who thinks that.” » But Trump responded by attacking him on the inflation issue, arguing that he inherited low inflation rates when he took office in January 2021, but that prices have exploded under his rule. direction.

One of Biden's strongest moments involves veterans

Biden, whose late son Beau served in Iraq, had one of his strongest moments when he attacked Trump's reported comments in 2018 that he had refused to visit a U.S. military cemetery in France because the veterans buried there were idiots and losers.

It's an argument that Biden, then a Democratic challenger, made against Trump in his first debate in 2020 and that the outgoing president has regularly used against Trump, portraying him as a commander in chief who nevertheless denigrates veterans. My son was not a loser, was not an idiot, Biden said. You're the idiot. You're the loser.

Trump responded that the magazine that originally reported the remarks, The Atlantic, was a third-rate magazine and made up the quotes. But what contradicts Trump's response is the fact that his former chief of staff, John Kelly, confirmed these private remarks in a statement last fall.


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