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Biden Failed, Trump Showed Flair

Biden Failed, Trump Showed Flair


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Donald Trump not only performed better than Joe Biden in the first presidential debate of 2024. In terms of authority and confidence, speed and balance, articulation and verve, Trump left Biden in the dust. Compared to his previous debate performances, Trump even appeared (God bless us) presidential. I'm sorry, but that's what happened.

Biden told much more truth, but he didn’t tell it well. From the first moments of his walk to the podium, he seemed almost ghostly; Trump, by contrast, took the stage with furious bravado. And Biden, from his first answer on inflation, launched into a mode of speech that suggested he would follow through with every answer. That’s not presidential.

I would say his performance was a real disaster. Biden seemed both cold and still, rushing through his remarks, skimming over them even when the content was solid. His voice was raspy, almost a whisper at times, and his answers were scattered. His head spoke, but seemed separated from his body. At first, he had a prolonged moment of hesitation that was agonizing, ending with the phrase “We finally defeated Medicare.” Eh ? It was Biden's shorthand for “We finally beat the problem,” but it came off as a gaffe, and it allowed Trump to respond by presenting himself as the great defender of Social Security.

Call it the first of Trump’s big lies. Sure, he lied most spectacularly about his own presidential record (on immigration, the economy, COVID—you name it, he told stories about it). Trump made statements that ranged from the extreme (“China is going to own us if you keep allowing them to do what they’re doing to our country”) to the ultra-extreme (“We’re very, very close to World War III.”). Yet the essence of his performance was a master class in how an extremist politician can normalize himself for the sake of getting elected. Given the unforgiving parameters of his personality, Trump plugged into classic conservative mythology and spoke with an ease that allowed him to present himself in a way that seemed, at times, almost Reaganese. He was relaxed, confident, articulate, and fast-paced.

Gone, for the most part, is the stand-up comedian’s cheerfully unsavory persona as a bad-boy assassin—his willingness to say the wrong thing, the wrong thing, which seems to many people like a rebellion against too many people’s controlled age—that was at the center of Trump’s performance in his debates with Hillary Clinton. Trump allowed himself to spit fire on immigration, but for the most part he presented himself as a classic post-Reagan figure, preaching a conservative boilerplate. He defended his economic policies with a simple spin maneuver.

Trump has weaponized the age of disinformation, imbuing everything he says with the magical aura of “If I say it with enough force and conviction, enough prowess, enough faith in my own authority, I will make it true.” To undo that kind of conman’s casualness requires an opponent as cunning as he is, capable not only of accusing Trump of lying but also of making that lie seem sinister. But it seems that all Joe Biden can do is spin the Democratic arguments as data.

Biden seemed so enmeshed in his own petulant mind that he had a way of giving almost all of his answers a bit of the aura one remembers from Mike Dukakis' famous response during the 1988 debate about what he would do if Kitty Dukakis was raped and killed. Dukakis gave a shockingly even-handed response (one that was widely believed to have sealed his election defeat), and Biden, too, continued to answer questions on crucial topics as if he were reciting the answers, as if bureaucratic details could solve human problems. It’s not that the intricacies of politics don’t matter. That's because a presidential candidate in the age of mega-media must know how to present issues in a humane and powerful way. He must convince his audience.

And that’s what Trump has learned to do. No matter how often this idea is bandied about, too many Americans fail to grasp the bottom line: Donald Trump is entertainment, and he has used politics to perfect his role as a paragon of show business. He’s a bona fide (and mildly) conman businessman, but he has played an imperious executive god on television, and he continues to play one. Yes, he’s a liar, a charlatan, a tyrant, a racist, a convicted felon, and now a potential authoritarian demagogue. But for a large portion of the American people, the reason none of this matters is that he’s the figure of the presidential race who captivates them, who has all the good lines. And that’s the Trump we saw tonight.

Trump learned most of his postmodern, obscurantist media manipulation techniques from Roy Cohn, whom he looked up to as a kind of father figure before abandoning him (largely because of his homophobic distaste for Cohn’s AIDS-afflicted nature). But much of what Variety co-editor Ramin Setoodeh captures in his new book, “Apprentice in Wonderland,” is how “The Apprentice” effectively became Trump’s second Roy Cohn. The brilliant TV series taught him how to project himself as an actor, how to adapt Cohn’s methods of reality manipulation to the hyper-(un)reality of reality TV.

He is still, in fact, chairman of the National Entertainment State. And if you find yourself saying, “But that’s politics. It is important. How can people ignore Trump's immorality as a human being? ”, it’s worth noting that his ability to prevail over Joe Biden’s weakened bureaucratic boondoggle is a degraded version of something that has long existed in our presidential elections, particularly since JFK v. Nixon. — Happy Warrior syndrome. Trump, even when attacked by the law, is the Happy Warrior because we feel how much he enjoys destroying the things around him. He's not a Happy Warrior who should be president, but he's the one America is stuck with.

He can only be defeated by another Happy Warrior. Biden tonight was so far from that person that his performance already seems to have set off a fire alarm in the Democratic Party. Can he be replaced? That will now be the question on many Democrats’ lips. But there is a reason for this that should not be underestimated: Donald Trump, by sticking to a moderate script, dodging questions like a seasoned lawyer about his acceptance of the election results, has managed tonight to make himself seem more viable than reckless. Whoever the Democratic presidential nominee is, whether Biden or someone else, he or she will have to undo this.




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