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Biden calls Trump a convicted felon, a sucker and a loser in tense debate and Trump calls Biden a criminal

Biden calls Trump a convicted felon, a sucker and a loser in tense debate and Trump calls Biden a criminal


Top line

President Joe Biden called former President Donald Trump a convicted felon, referencing Trump's historic 34-count conviction, in one of several moments of heated name-calling during Thursday's debate, prompting Trump to call the president a criminal.

US President Joe Biden and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump… [+] participate in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election at CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27, 2024. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

AFP via Getty Images Key facts

Biden asked Trump how much money he owes in civil penalties and brought up allegations that Trump had sex with a porn star … while your wife was pregnant, a reference to allegations raised by adult film star Stormy Daniels, who said the former president had the morals of an alley cat.

Trump has denied Daniels' allegations and insisted that the criminal proceedings against him were politically motivated, including his conviction in Manhattan for falsifying business records related to a payment of money to Daniels to hide from him his silence.

Trump called Biden a criminal, raising unproven allegations. Biden used his influence as vice president to benefit his son, Hunter Biden, who was recently convicted of federal gun-related charges.

Trump and Biden also said the other was the worst president in the country's history.

Earlier in the debate, Biden called Trump an asshole and a loser, referencing claims by Trump's former White House chief of staff John Kelly that Trump called fallen service members losers and those who were wounded or captured.

The president told Trump, “You’re the pigeon, you’re the loser.” »

Trump denied Kelly's accusation in response to Biden, said it was made up and demanded Biden apologize.


The accusation that Trump called dead American service members losers was first made in an Atlantic article in 2020. Trump has long denied the allegation, but Kelly later confirmed the quote.

Key context

Biden and Trump entered the debate with less than two points apart, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average, making the face-off one of the most important nights of the 2024 campaign, as even the slightest marginal change in support could change the outcome of the election. Trump, for the most part, reined in his notoriously combative behavior that prompted moderators of his first 2020 debate with Biden to repeatedly cut him off when he interrupted Biden. The candidates' microphones were cut off Thursday to avoid interruptions.

Further viewing Further reading

Trump-Biden debate: Here's what to watch: From the economy and mental health to immigration and abortion (Forbes)

Biden counters. Trump 2024 election polls: Trump leads by 6 points and most voters think he will win the debate, new survey shows (Forbes)

Trump-Biden debate could shake up election race 16% of voters change their minds, new poll finds (Forbes)




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