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La Jornada – China promotes development and world tranquility (Xi Jinping)

La Jornada – China promotes development and world tranquility (Xi Jinping)


Pack. President Xi Jinping assured Friday that China, in modern history, works on inter-state relations, safeguards world peace and tranquility, justice and promotes the development and progress of mankind, aiming to develop the concept of building a community. with a shared future for humanity in these new times.

Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the promulgation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the guiding principle of China's foreign policy, Xi told the Great Hall of the People that he advocates that countries, whether big or small, strong or weak, poor or rich, are equal members of the international community and share interests, rights and responsibilities in international affairs.

May we take the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the starting point to shoulder the historic mission and move forward hand in hand with determination, in a united effort to promote the building of the community with a shared future for mankind and create a more beautiful future for human society, the president commented.

He assured that all countries must face challenges together, achieve common prosperity, build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world, characterized by lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity, as well as promote peaceful coexistence. safer and more prosperous of humanity.

In 1954, Premier Zhou Enlai first formulated in full the five principles of peaceful coexistence: mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in the internal affairs of everyone, equality and mutual and peaceful benefit. coexistence.

These principles have served as guidelines for countries with different historical and cultural backgrounds, social systems and national conditions to manage their relations. They were included in the joint declaration between China and India, as well as with Myanmar, and the three countries have therefore jointly decided to turn them into basic norms for state-to-state relations.

This concept corresponds to the current of our times characterized by peace, development, cooperation and shared gain, and has opened up new

horizons of peace and progress, Xi stressed, and called for better communication and cooperation to thwart the iron curtains of confrontation amid tensions in the South Sea and the West. At sub-forums of the summit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that 70 years ago, China, together with its brotherly developing countries, rejected the hegemony of power by respecting sovereignty and overcame the law of the jungle in equality and mutual benefit, establishing the norms of international relations in which countries should respect and treat each other as equals.

New Development Bank President Dilma Rousseff, former President of Brazil, also stressed that the world today faces unprecedented challenges and the importance of the five principles of peaceful coexistence has become increasingly important and stressed that South-South cooperation is a model. of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

In today's diplomatic arena, Xi received his Peruvian counterpart, Dina Boluarte, in Beijing and exchanged congratulatory messages with his counterpart Nicols Maduro, for the celebration of 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and Venezuela.




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