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Trump used Palestinians as a racial slur

Trump used Palestinians as a racial slur


Thursday's presidential debate focused primarily on President Joe Biden's faltering performance, which calls into question his ability to remain the Democratic nominee. Some then focused on former President Donald Trump's incessant lies.

However, Trump's open xenophobia against Palestinians and immigrants, and the silence with which it was met, have been largely overlooked.

The most striking illustration might be Trump's response to an invitation from CNN moderator Dana Bash regarding Israel's war on Gaza and the humanitarian crisis Israel has created by killing thousands of Palestinians.

While Biden insisted that Hamas was the only entity standing in the way of a ceasefire, Trump actually pushed back on the idea. “You have to ask him,” Trump began, referring to Biden, “when it comes to Israel and Hamas, Israel is the one that wants to leave. He said the only one that wants to continue is Hamas. He continued: “Actually, it's Israel that wants to leave and you should let them go and let them finish the job.” He doesn't want to do it. He became like a Palestinian. But they don't like him because he is a very bad Palestinian. He is a weak Palestinian. »

When Trump accused Biden of becoming like a Palestinian, the moderators did not ask him why the word was apparently pejorative.

The moment embodied a common thread in the debate: CNN moderators Bash or Jake Tapper would ask a question; Trump would respond with something off-topic, dishonest, and dangerous; and the moderators, instead of pushing back or even acknowledging the absurdity of Trump’s answers, would simply move on, thanking the twice-impeached former president for his time.

When, for example, Trump accused Biden of becoming like a Palestinian, but a very bad Palestinian, a weak Palestinian, the moderators did not ask him what that meant or why the word Palestinian was apparently pejorative. Nor did they ask what “finishing the job” might mean in the context of a war that has killed more than 37,000 people.

Biden, for his part, began his retort by saying he had never heard so much nonsense, but did nothing to refute Trump's claims, instead focusing on the fact that Trump wants to leave NATO .

In response to the same question, Biden said he was continuing to press for Hamas to agree to a ceasefire and clarified that the only thing I have refused Israel is 2,000-pound bombs, given the risk to innocent people in populated areas. But he used the debate to assure voters that his administration is providing Israel with all the weapons it needs, when it needs them.

We are the largest producer of support for Israel than anyone in the world, Biden said.

Shortly after, Bash asked Trump if he would support the creation of an independent Palestinian state in order to achieve peace in the region.

“I’ll see,” Trump replied, before uttering another 212 words about his problems with NATO. Bash didn’t follow up, simply closing the conversation with a thank you. (The question was also not directed to the current commander in chief.)

Trump made equally anti-Palestinian remarks in his closing speech. “For three and a half years we've been living through hell,” Trump said, listing the things he blamed Biden for. “We have the Palestinians and we have everyone else rioting everywhere. »

You're talking about Charlottesville, Trump said, comparing the antiwar demonstrations and student protests to a rally of neo-Nazis chanting, “The Jews will not replace us.” It's 100 times Charlottesville, 1,000 times.

The hateful rhetoric has extended beyond Palestinians, as has the general silence of moderators. Trump called immigrants hordes of millions of people coming from jails, prisons and mental institutions to enter the country to destroy it. He falsely claimed that migrants were entering the country and killing people at an unprecedented level and also said they were taking black and Hispanic jobs.

None of this is new for a candidate who entered politics insisting that then-candidate Barack Obama was secretly Muslim and who announced his 2016 campaign by claiming that Mexico was bringing drugs, crime and rapists to the United States.

The debate has sparked a broader reckoning over whether a candidate other than Biden would be best positioned to crack down on such cruelty, though some senior Democrats have so far refused to entertain that possibility. While many worry that Democratic leaders are repeating elements of 2016 by refusing to take seriously those who worry that their stubbornness could lead to Trump’s victory, it appears that the media is following suit by treating Trump’s viciousness as a baseline rather than an aberration.




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