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Xi Jinping: The more powerful China is, the greater the hope for world peace

Xi Jinping: The more powerful China is, the greater the hope for world peace


Chinese President Xi Jinping said Friday that “every minute China's strength grows, the hope for world peace increases,” reaffirming his country's commitment to “peaceful development.”

The Chinese leader said China “will not follow the ancient path of colonial plunder or the tortuous path of hegemony when the country is strong”, but will “follow the correct path of peaceful development”.

“On peace and security, China has the best record of all major powers,” Xi said, adding that the country “has strived to explore its own paths to resolve the most pressing problems “.

Citing the crisis in Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, issues related to the Korean Peninsula, Iran, Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Afghanistan, Xi assured that China “has played a constructive role.”

The Chinese president stressed “true multilateralism,” which is “the development and safeguarding of international rules by all countries,” and argued that “global affairs should be handled by all countries through consultation,” without allowing “those with the strongest arm” to prevail.

“China advocates that all countries, regardless of size, strength or weakness, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community; share interests, rights and responsibilities in international affairs and that they must join forces to overcome challenges and achieve common prosperity,” the Chinese president said.

Xi also called for “international unity and cooperation to confront global challenges” and reiterated “China's commitment to peaceful development and friendly cooperation with all nations.”

The Chinese president made the remarks during a speech in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,” the official tenets of Chinese diplomacy, which include mutual respect for sovereignty and integrity. territorial, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, cooperation and peaceful coexistence.

The aim of these principles is to “protect the interests and aspirations of small, weak countries in an environment of power politics,” according to Xi, who added that they are “clearly anti-imperialist, anti-colonial and anti-hegemonic, abandoning the jungle law of militarism and intimidation of the weak by the strong, and establishing an important ideological basis for promoting an international order in a more just direction.”

Since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Beijing has maintained an ambiguous stance, calling for respect for the right to territorial integrity of all parties, with reference to Ukraine, and for the “legitimate security concerns” of all countries, with reference to Russia.

Beijing also reiterated its support for the “two-state solution” in Palestine and its “dismay” at Israeli attacks on civilians in Gaza.

Chinese officials have held several meetings with representatives of Arab and Muslim countries to reaffirm this position or attempt to advance peace negotiations.




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