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Trump calls Biden a bad Palestinian during US presidential debate | US Election News 2024

Trump calls Biden a bad Palestinian during US presidential debate |  US Election News 2024


Both candidates fail to address Palestinian suffering and the consequences of Israel's war on Gaza as protesters gather near the venue.

Republican Donald Trump has called US President Joe Biden a very bad Palestinian who is unwilling to help Israel finish the job against Hamas in its war on Gaza.

He doesn't want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian, he's a weakling, former President Trump said during the first presidential debate with Biden on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia.

Ayah Ziyadeh, director of American Muslims for Palestine, told Al Jazeera that the malicious Palestinian comment was blatantly racist.

Using the term “Palestinian” as an insult shows the extent of racism that exists here, Ziyadeh said.

While foreign policy and the Middle East were discussed repeatedly during the debate, as pro-Palestinian protests took place near the rally site, there was little discussion of the suffering of Palestinians and the toll of Israel's campaign in Gaza, which has killed more than 37,700 people since October.

Neither Biden, who is under pressure from his Democratic base because of his unwavering support for his ally Israel, nor Trump are fit to represent the Palestinian and Arab communities in the United States, Ziyadeh said.

Not only are Muslim and Arab Americans deciding not to engage with or re-elect Biden because of his continued stance and support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza. But broader American public opinion has also changed and it has become one of the biggest issues impacting the upcoming election, she said.

Lack of vision to end the war

The debate highlighted the extent to which Democrats and Republicans have lost their will to end the war and support the creation of a Palestinian state, said Tamer Qarmout, a professor at the Doha Institute for Advanced Studies.

The discussion was not about a Palestinian state per se, but about a state supporting Israel and how best to support Israel, he told Al Jazeera.

For both candidates, there is a lack of a real vision to end this conflict. This is a very superficial discussion that does not focus on ending the conflict.

Trump said Israel wants the war to continue, and that it must. When asked whether he would support the creation of a Palestinian state to ensure peace in the region, Trump demurred. I would have to see.

One candidate is blatantly racist. He wants to expel us all. And said that President Biden is not, fundamentally, genocidal enough and that he should let Israel end its war on Gaza. And the current president has knowingly and willingly, politically and financially, supported a clear genocide in Gaza, Ziyadeh told Al Jazeera.

There are no less than two evils here, she added. The map that is being imposed on us as voters and as Americans is frankly unfair.

Pro-Palestinian protesters gather during the debate between U.S. President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, June 27, 2024. [Megan Varner/Reuters]
Truce proposal

Meanwhile, Biden falsely claimed that all sides except Hamas had accepted his ceasefire proposal and that he had secured general agreement on his three-step plan to end the war, including from Israel.

Everyone from the United Nations Security Council, through the G7 to the Israelis and [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] “Netanyahu approved the plan that I proposed,” Biden said.

The only one who wants the war to continue is Hamas.

He reiterated his view that Hamas has been greatly weakened by Israel, adding that the group should be eliminated.

Biden also noted that he was the first recent president to not have troops in harm's way overseas.

Meanwhile, Trump described Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan as the most embarrassing moment in our country's history and said it emboldened Russia to invade Ukraine.




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