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“I worked for Liz Truss. Here's why I'm cautiously optimistic about the Labour Party

“I worked for Liz Truss. Here's why I'm cautiously optimistic about the Labour Party


In 2019, I voted for the Conservative Party. I didn't particularly like most of their policies and I wasn't a fan of Boris Johnson, but I was frustrated by the endless gridlock in Parliament and was completely unexcited about the prospect of a government led by Jeremy Corbyn.

Also, perhaps selfishly, I got a job offer to work for Liz Truss at the Department for International Trade.

I don't know yet who I'll vote for in this general election, but I'm considering voting Labour for the first time since 2010. I'm certainly not 100% convinced by many of their policies.

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Their inability to define precisely what their fiscal policy will be makes me fear that they will implement ill-advised tax changes. I am also deeply disappointed that they have not committed to scrapping the child benefit cap for two children, which is one of the main causes of poverty.

However, the country needs change. Essential public services need additional funds and the economy would benefit from increased investment in transport infrastructure and energy production.

Furthermore, Sir Keir Starmer strikes me as an honest and patriotic man who does not side with our nation’s enemies at every opportunity. As such, I think there are reasons to be optimistic about a Labour government.

Could there be a “supermajority”?

Part of my hesitation to vote Labor comes from fear of a huge Labor majority. There are obvious disadvantages to a government having a very large majority in Parliament.

Although it is a concern and a temptation for me to vote Liberal Democrat to alleviate this situation and moderate some of the excesses of the Labour Party, I am more relaxed about the prospect of a large Labour majority than many of my centre-right comrades.

It is true that a massive majority has its dangers. However, it also has the potential to bring real change as it gives the government the opportunity to advance its agenda.

This is important because what encouraged me most about Labor was its recognition of the problems caused by the country's planning system and its promise to grant planning permission even if it goes to against the wishes of local residents.

Urban planning reform is necessary

The UK's planning system is far too restrictive. Plus, NIMBYs and other rent seekers play it easy, meaning it's virtually impossible to build anything.

The country urgently needs to build new housing, transport infrastructure, nuclear power plants, wind turbines, solar farms, offices, laboratories and data centers. Our failure to do so has exacerbated the cost of living crisis and is the primary contributor to the country's low productivity and stagnant economic growth.

In our current system, before planning permission is granted, local residents lobby their MP who in turn raises the issue with the government.

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Obviously the government needs to keep its MPs on board because the division is embarrassing for them and alienating backbenchers is very dangerous because they could potentially vote against the government or even resign the whip, putting the government's majority at risk.

A large majority means this is no longer an issue. A Labour government could and should get planning reform through parliament.

Moreover, she must be prepared to anger her own MPs and voters, and even lose some of them. Liberalizing the planning system so that local residents can no longer block development projects, while changing the rules on issues such as building height and allowing development on the green belt, would be extremely unpopular .

Labor in government

A Labour government will face opposition from other parties, local residents, pressure groups and some of its own MPs. It will have to spend a lot of political capital and lose a lot of goodwill from its supporters. But it is essential that it succeeds if it is to prevent the country from terminal decline, to halt the economic decline that has been eating away at it for years and to avoid a second lost decade. It is the most effective way to promote growth and improve the prospects of young people.

I may not be 100% convinced by the idea of ​​a Labor government. I may decide to vote for the Liberal Democrats or stay at home on polling day.

However, a Labor government with a huge majority has the potential to change this country for the better by reforming the planning system and so I am incredibly optimistic and relaxed, even at the thought of writing a blank check to the Labor Party next year. next week.

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