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Youngkin, Trump rally in Virginia as Democrats defend Biden

Youngkin, Trump rally in Virginia as Democrats defend Biden


CHESAPEAKE, Va., Gov. Glenn Youngkin shook Donald Trump's hand and offered enthusiastic support at a rally in this southern Hampton Roads town Friday, after three years of sometimes holding the former president to distance.

Youngkin (R), who has been quiet about his support for Trump as he works to win suburban support and establish a national profile, shouted his loyalty to a cheering crowd of thousands waving Trump signs and flags in a farm field.

I think it's the best Trump rally ever, said Youngkin, who had never appeared in public with Trump before. Mr. President, eight years ago you left your business career and built a great America, and in Virginia you went to work to elect Donald Trump to the White House.

Trump took the stage around 4 p.m., praising Youngkin several times during his wide-ranging speech. He owns the policies that made America great, Trump said. We are proud of him, he did an excellent job.

More than an hour into Trump's speech, Youngkin briefly joined the former president on stage.

Mr. President, this is the best Trump rally you've ever had, and you're doing it in Virginia, Youngkin said. And yes, on behalf of 8.7 million Virginians, Mr. President, we will get to work and bring you back to the White House!

Youngkin spent hours in the hot sun, often clapping and nodding along with Trump as the former president made remarks that sometimes veered into extreme territory, such as repeatedly claiming that the 2020 election was rigged, that climate change was good and that the crime rate in Venezuela had fallen to almost nothing because the country had exported all its criminals to America under Biden.

Youngkin led a string of former Republican governors and current candidates proclaiming their support for Trump. Are you all motivated? asked former Governor George Allen. Are you ready to make Virginia, North Carolina, and America great again?

The rally took place in a rural area near the North Carolina border and also drew a large turnout from that state, considered strong Trump territory.

Virginia has not been a Trump stronghold, which he lost to Biden by 10 points in 2020, but recent polls and Republican enthusiasm suggest it could be in play this year.

Several speakers brought up Biden’s widely criticized performance in the previous day’s debate. Hung Cao, the Republican candidate for Democrat Tim Kaine’s U.S. Senate seat, accused Biden of trying to stop Trump from becoming the next president. “I’m surprised he didn’t try to stop him last night for elder abuse,” Cao said.

Rally participants Daralynn Eassa, 66, and Rick Bower, 60, both of Portsmouth, said they are strong Trump supporters and were excited to see Youngkin appear at the event. “I would love to see him become vice president,” Bower said. “I would love to see him. That’s the rumor going around. I think he did a great job.”

He said he loved Youngkins' enthusiasm, especially when the governor came out dancing and clapping his hands above his head to his usual song, Spirit in the Sky.

Eassa said she was particularly impressed by Cao. His speech at the beginning brought tears to my eyes. It was a great speech, she said.

Both men said they believe Trump and Republicans will do a better job on the economy and national security. And while they disapprove of the January 6, 2021 insurrection, I don't think violence is ever a good thing, Bower said they don't blame Trump.

“I don't think it's Trump's fault,” Eassa said. “Some people have this gang mentality and have done things they shouldn't have done.

Meanwhile, Democrats on Friday morning highlighted Trump's past unpopularity in Virginia and defended Biden at a news conference a few miles from the rally site.

But while the state Democratic Party had hoped to highlight themes of support for veterans, leaders had to defend Biden's debate performance and his place at the top of the presidential ticket.

Everybody has a rough night from time to time, and this wasn’t the best one, state Democratic Party Chairwoman Susan Swecker said in response to reporters’ questions. But I’ll tell you what I also saw: Donald Trump is the same liar he was in 2020. Swecker said she stands by Biden’s record and predicted Virginia voters would do the same, noting that her campaign opened five additional field offices across the state on Thursday for a total of 11.

Swecker also questioned how Youngkin could stand next to a man who she said disrespected members of the military, citing accusations that Trump called dead service members idiots and losers and who said there were good people on both sides of the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. in 2017.

Congressional candidate Missy Cotter Smasal, an Army veteran and Democrat running against incumbent Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-Va.) in the 2nd District, was scheduled to appear but did not attend the event. State party spokeswoman Kelsey Carolan said she did not know why Smasal was not there and had not been in contact with her campaign.

Democrats say Virginians continue to oppose Trump. But Trump and Youngkin have touted Virginia as a Republican-friendly state in this year’s presidential campaign, citing at least two recent polls that show Biden and Trump running neck and neck.

Jack Reynolds, 63, a self-employed landscaper from Suffolk, said it was a good thing for the Republican Party to see Youngkin and former governors come together to support Trump. He watched the debate Thursday night, he said, and felt embarrassed by Biden's performance.

Honestly, I feel sorry for that guy, Reynolds said. He is no longer stable enough to lead this country, in my opinion.

Youngkins' relationship with the former president fluctuated depending on the governor's needs. When he sought the Republican nomination as a newcomer in 2021, Youngkin praised Trump to the party's base and refused to acknowledge that Biden's 2020 victory was legitimate.

Once he won the nomination, Youngkin courted suburban moderates in the general election by saying he accepted Biden's election and keeping his distance from Trump. Youngkin never campaigned with Trump in Virginia, and when the former president called a late-race Republican rally, Youngkin did not attend.

Trump has sometimes grumbled that Youngkin didn’t give him enough credit for his narrow, unexpected gubernatorial victory. When Youngkin toured the country for other Republican candidates and spread rumors that he was considering running for president himself, Trump became hostile, mocking Youngkin’s name and belittling him.

Now, however, after Youngkins failed to win control of the Republican Party in the Virginia Legislature last year, he put his national ambitions on hold at least temporarily, as suburban governor, dressed in a red vest, fully sided with Trump.

The governor endorsed Trump in March. And although he didn't attend a Trump rally that month, he did show up at a basketball game between the University of Virginia and Duke in North Carolina, Youngkin eventually met Trump in person this month at Trump National Golf Club in Northern Virginia.

On Friday, Bruce Donnelly, 59, a commercial painter from Virginia Beach, walked to the rally from a nearby job, avoiding hours and hours of traffic jams on the back roads around the event site. He had never seen Youngkin in person before and was impressed.

He was great. He was full of energy, Donnelly said. He knew there had been friction between Trump and Youngkin in the past, he said, but he was happy to see them appear at the same event. I'm really happy that he's really close with Trump now, he said.


A previous version of this article mistakenly listed the location where Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and former President Donald Trump first met in person. They met at Trump National Golf Club in northern Virginia. The article has been corrected.




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