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Shiv Sena MP Milind Deora's style of greeting PM Modi for his 3rd term attracts attention

Shiv Sena MP Milind Deora's style of greeting PM Modi for his 3rd term attracts attention


Shiv Sena MP Milind Deora's style of greeting PM Modi on his 3rd term draws attention

New Delhi:

Shiv Sena MP (Eknath Shinde camp) Milind Deora in Rajya Sabha on Friday extended greetings to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his third consecutive term and said that despite three terms in power, the “leader with global appeal” enjoys massive support from the masses.

His unique style of congratulating the Prime Minister and his government caught the attention of the members and also made them curious to know more, as the Sena leader compared his 10-year tenure with multiple 'changes of guard » in other countries ranging from Asia to Europe and America.

Milind Deora said that in the era of opposition to the ruling power, ten years of Prime Minister Modi's government has outlived six Prime Ministers of Pakistan, five Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, four Presidents of Sri Lanka, three Presidents of the United States and two Presidents of France.

The Sena leader said opposition to the government was growing across the world and despite this, the Modi government had braved the wave thanks to the prime minister's popularity.

“The fight against anti-incumbent parties has become more difficult, due to a more aware and ambitious population, the essential role played by social media in elections and also demographic transitions across the world,” he said. -he declares.

Notably, the change of guard in Pakistan over the last decade has seen six prime ministers take office. They included Nawaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League-N (2013-2017), Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of the Pakistan Muslim League-N (2017-18), Imran Khan of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (2018-2022), Shehbaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League-N (2020-2021), and the Pakistan Muslim League-N. The Muslim League-N serves two terms, first from 2022 to 2023, and then becomes the prime minister again after the 2024 elections.

The five British prime ministers include David Cameron (2010-2016), Theresa May (2016-19), Boris Johnson (2019-2022), Liz Truss (2022-2022) and Rishi Sunak (2022 to date).

Four presidents of Sri Lanka include Mahinda Rajapaksa (2005-2015), Maithripala Sirisena (2015-2019), Gotabaya Rajapaksa (2019-2022) and Ranil Wickremsinghe (2022-present).

The three presidents of the United States are Barack Obama (2009-2017), Donald Trump (2017-2021), and Joe Biden (2021-present).

The two presidents of France are François Hollande (2012-2017) and Emmanuel Macron (2017-present).

Addressing the Congress indirectly, Mr Deora pointed out that the Lok Sabha had got its Leader of Opposition after a gap of ten years, in the form of Rahul Gandhi. Notably, Sushma Swaraj was the last person to hold this position, during the UPA II government.

In the 16th and 17th Lok Sabha, the Congress could not claim the post of Leader of Opposition (LoP) as the party failed to get the minimum number of 55 members elected to the House.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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