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“Became Prime Minister with 0 votes, Kharge better than him, no comparison with Modi”

“Became Prime Minister with 0 votes, Kharge better than him, no comparison with Modi”


New Delhi: BJP's Sudhanshu Trivedi has placed Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a higher pedestal than Jawaharlal Nehru, saying India's first prime minister came to power without a struggle, unlike the humble beginnings of the current premier.

Launching the debate on the motion of thanks during the President's address in the Rajya Sabha on Friday, Trivedi claimed that Nehru became Prime Minister with zero votes while Modi returned to power with the mandate of the people.

Nehru took the Bharat Ratna for himself, claimed the BJP national spokesperson. On the other hand, he said, Modi had ensured that the award was given to Congress veterans Pranab Mukherjee and PV Narasimha Rao.

Nehru awarded the Bharat Ratna to himself, leaving out Sardar Patel and Ambedkar, he alleged. Prime Minister Modi not only awarded the Bharat Ratna to Atal Bihari Vajpyee and LK Advani, but also to Madan Mohan Malviya, Pranab Mukherjee, Narasimha Rao and Karpoori Thakur. He even awarded the Padma Vibhushan to Congress leaders SC Jamir and Tarun Gogoi. So, Modi cannot be compared to Nehru who awarded the Bharat Ratna only to himself.

He recalled that poet Majrooh Sultanpuri was in jail for two years after writing that there was a glimpse of Hitler in Nehru's working style.

Trivedi claimed that when the BJP parliamentary council was going to meet to decide on Modi's elevation to the post of Prime Minister on September 13, 2013, the latter refused to attend the event saying his name was under discussion for the highest position.

In 1946, Trivedi claimed that Pattabhi Ramaiah got one vote in the election of the new Congress president. Perhaps Archaya Kripalani got one or two votes and all the other votes went to Vallabhbhai Patel. How can there be a comparison?,” the BJP MP said in his speech in Hindi.

Even Mallikarjun Kharge is better than Nehru as he got votes and was elected Congress president, he claimed.

Let's leave aside the people who say things like Hitler's death, wish Modi's death, this grave will be dug in Modiji's time, those… Those who had spoken about it 'boti-boti' They also came to the neighbouring House as respected members. If no action is taken after that, then I think there is no comparison (sic), Trivedi maintained.

Claiming that the Modi government has secured the mandate for the third time, Trivedi said the Congress is happy like a child who gets third division and goes through grace marks.

The Congress has failed to win 240 seats in the last 40 years. Narasimha Rao got 232 seats and no other Congress leader has won as many seats as the BJP in its third term, he claimed.

Comparing the Modi government's record in saving the Constitution and development, Trivedi attacked the opposition by comparing the number of times the Constitution was amended during the Congress era.

In this context, he referred to Congress president Dev Kant Barooah's statement at the height of the Emergency in 1976 that “India is Indira and Indira is India”.

Trivedi also gave examples of how socialist trade union leader George Fernandes was paraded in handcuffs during the Emergency period and how Sharia law was given priority over the Constitution in the Shah Bano case.

Later, Trivedi attacked the Congress party for creating chaos following the arrest of two leaders in corruption cases. In this context, he highlighted the arrest of DMK leader A. Raja during the UPA regime as well as the arrest of other leaders during their regime.

(Edited by Tony Rai)

Read also : Naddas, BJYM MP, BJP man in Kota, rise of Om Birla, NDA candidate for Lok Sabha Speaker




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