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Indonesia's Age Decision: Paving the Way for Political Dynasties?

Indonesia's Age Decision: Paving the Way for Political Dynasties?


(ANN/STRAITS TIMES) – A new court ruling in Indonesia has paved the way for another son of outgoing President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, to enter the political scene.

On May 30, Indonesia's Supreme Court approved a change to the minimum age requirement for candidates in the upcoming regional elections in November. Under the revised rule, candidates only need to be 30 years old at the time of nomination, rather than at the time of confirmation of their candidacy.

The landmark decision paves the way for Jokowi's son, Kaesang Pangarep, 29, to attempt to run in Jakarta's elections, when he turns 30 in December.

Kaesang Pangarep, the youngest son and politician of Indonesian President Joko Widodo. PHOTO: AFP

Kaesang is the younger brother of Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who successfully ran in February's presidential election following a controversial October 2023 Constitutional Court ruling that changed the age requirements for candidates.

While maintaining the minimum age of 40 for presidential and vice-presidential candidates, the Constitutional Court exempted elected regional leaders like Gibran, who is currently mayor of the city of Solo at the age of 36.

After sparking a national debate over dynastic politics in ASEAN's largest country, the May decision saw initial criticism fade. Recent media coverage has instead focused on pressing issues such as the rising cost of living, updates on Hajj pilgrimages, and preparations for the impending handover of power from Jokowi to Prabowo Subianto in October. Experts say that due to economic concerns, many Indonesians, especially those in rural areas, view family political continuity favorably.

Prabowo (left) and Gibran stand in front of a portrait of Jokowi at the General Election Commission office in Jakarta. PHOTO: AFP

Although dynastic politics can spark debate, most Indonesians prioritize daily challenges over political lineage, a long-standing norm in our country, said Dedi Dinarto, senior Indonesia analyst at Global Counsel.

In addition to the Widodo family, Indonesia can boast a political landscape dotted with other important dynasties. These include the family of Indonesia's fifth president, Megawati Soekarnoputri, whose father, Soekarno, was the country's first president. Megawati's daughter, Puan Maharani, currently serves as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Another example is that of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, son of former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who left military service to become Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Land Planning.

Reflecting on the historical prevalence of political dynasties in Indonesia, Dedi suggested that public resistance to family political power may only intensify in the face of significant economic downturns.

Dr Irman G Lanti of Padjadjaran University, also a visiting scholar at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, highlighted the entrenched role of feudal and aristocratic values ​​in Indonesian political culture, especially among the rural poor, who constitute the majority of voters.

In many cases, voters perceive kinship with successful leaders as a desirable quality, Irman noted.

Despite the criticism, the ruling families continue to enjoy considerable public support, as demonstrated by Gibran's resounding victory over Prabowo, securing more than 60 percent of the vote in February's presidential election.

Urban, educated middle-class voters are generally more critical of dynastic practices, but they remain a minority, Irman added.

Going forward, Indonesia's political landscape appears set to remain dominated by family ties, with recent studies highlighting a significant prevalence of blood and affiliation ties among elected legislators.

Made Supriatma, a visiting fellow at ISEASYusof Ishak Institute, warned of the potential pitfalls of dynastic politics, warning that such practices could stifle competition and hamper the emergence of competent leaders.

Dynastic politics, as a form of political monopoly, risks narrowing the field of contenders and compromising the effectiveness of governance in the long term, he warned.

Essentially, while the debate over dynastic politics continues to simmer, ruling families appear firmly embedded in Indonesia's political fabric, shaping its present and potentially constraining its future.




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