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Trump claims big win over Biden despite his debate lies | Donald Trump

Trump claims big win over Biden despite his debate lies | Donald Trump
Trump claims big win over Biden despite his debate lies | Donald Trump


Donald Trump wasted no time discussing Thursday's debate at a rally in Virginia on Friday.

Hello, Virginia, it opened in front of a crowd in Chesapeake. Did anyone watch last night what they call the debate?

The former president said he won a large victory against Joe Biden in a debate which, from the start, showed that the Democratic president had failed to make coherent arguments. Biden spent a week at Camp David preparing for the debate and got the rules, date and moderators he wanted, Trump said, but that didn't help.

He studied so much he didn't know what he was doing, Trump said. No amount of rest or manipulation could help him defend his atrocious record.

Trump lied profusely during the debate, dodging questions about his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection and political violence. But he outplayed Biden visually, hurling insults and pivoting to talk about whatever he wanted, with a little moderation from CNN.

Biden's performance has Democrats publicly questioning whether he could be replaced as the Democratic nominee at such a late date. Some Biden defenders – and Biden himself – have since sought to reassure that the debate was just a poor performance and was not indicative of his ability to lead, nor representative of his political record.

As Democrats scrambled, Republicans relished Biden's failure but wondered if and how another Democrat could take his place. The Trump campaign ran an ad along these lines, showing Biden stumbling down the stairs and struggling to put on a jacket.

Will he be four years old? the ad muses. And you know who's coming after him. Vote Joe Biden today, get Kamala Harris tomorrow.

Trump posted clips of his and Bidens golf game on Truth Social, a rebuttal to Biden's claims that he had a low golf handicap. And he shared some excerpts from the debate, both in which he laid out his key points and others in which Biden stumbled. WOW, WHAT DID HE SAY?! Trump wrote about Biden's biggest gaffe, where he inexplicably said, “We finally beat Medicare.”

Some said Biden’s performance was a sign of his advanced age and how that affected his mental acuity. But Trump said age was not the deciding factor here — perhaps because Trump is, at 78, just three years younger than Biden.

And at the Virginia rally, he sought to attack Biden for turning the country into a banana republic rather than for his age. He said the president’s biggest problem was not his personal decline, but what his administration had done, citing policies on immigration and the climate crisis.

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He has no problem other than his competence, Trump told the Virginia crowd. Trump said he knows people much older who are doing much better than Biden.

Despite speculation that other prominent Democrats such as Harris or California Gov. Gavin Newsom could be installed on the ticket in Biden's place, Trump said he did not believe that would happen. Biden is doing better in the polls than these other Democrats, he said. I have no idea what's going to happen, he said.

The debate was a great moment for people with common sense, Trump said.

He said people should wonder not whether Biden can survive a 90-minute debate, but whether America can survive four more years of corrupt Joe Biden in the White House. In fact, I don't know if we can really survive another five months.




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