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Reinvigorated Biden emerges in great shape after terrible Trump debate | US Election News 2024

Reinvigorated Biden emerges in great shape after terrible Trump debate |  US Election News 2024


President Joe Biden said he fully intends to win November's election at a fiery campaign rally in North Carolina, rejecting calls to resign.

US President Joe Biden sought to project an image of confidence at a rally in North Carolina after a dismal performance in a debate with Donald Trump heightened concerns about his age and mental acuity.

In his remarks Friday, Biden appeared to brush aside suggestions that he should step aside to make way for a younger candidate to take on Trump in the high-stakes November election.

I intend to win this election. When you get knocked down, you get back up, Biden said, referring to his performance in the previous day's debate.

The lively crowd chanted at the top of their lungs: “Four more years, four more years and USA, USA, USA.”

The speech comes after what many political observers called Biden's disastrous performance in Thursday's debate against Trump, which featured false claims and inflammatory rhetoric but was overshadowed by Biden's answers that at times seemed disjointed and incoherent.

My friends, I may no longer walk as easily or speak as easily as before.

Maybe I won't debate as well as I used to.

But what I know is to tell the

Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 28, 2024

A bad night

Trump, meanwhile, criticized Biden's performance and leaned on the ominous rhetoric that now defines his political style in remarks at a political rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, on Friday.

We have to take it back from this party [the Democrats]. It's a perverse party, he said. Despite the fact that the crooked Joe Biden spent the whole week at Camp David. [a presidential retreat] rest, work, study. He studied very hard, he studied so hard that he didn't know what he was doing.

Trump later added: Joe Biden's problem is not his age, it's his competence.

Before the debate, many voters expressed concerns about Biden's age, and his shaky performance led to a wave of calls for him to step aside and make way for a replacement candidate.

It’s not yet clear how potential voters will react to Biden’s performance in the debates, but media reports have painted a picture of panic among Democratic Party officials. Concerns about Biden’s age have been seen for years as a political vulnerability.

I'm afraid they'll replace it [Biden] and to feature someone more competitive, Mike Boatman, a Trump supporter, said before the rally in Virginia on Friday.

Michael Tyler, a spokesman for Biden's campaign, said there were no ongoing discussions about the possibility. “We would rather have a bad night than a candidate with a bad vision of the direction he wants to take the country,” he told reporters.

Seeking to regain his composure and reassure his supporters, Biden went on the offensive against Trump in fiery remarks at his Friday rally.

“I know I’m not a young man, that’s a given,” Biden said. “I wouldn't run again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job. The stakes are too high. »

Overreacting is dangerous

The 81-year-old president also lashed out at Trump, his conservative rival who tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election based on the false claim that it was rigged against him through massive fraud because of his history of attacks on democracy.

The choice in this election is simple: Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend him, Biden said.

For now, Democratic Party officials appear determined to stick by Biden, despite growing doubts about his strength as a candidate.

People were just worried. And I told everyone that being worried was healthy, that overreacting was dangerous, said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democratic lawmaker. And I think I wouldn't advise anyone to make rash decisions right now.




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