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Trump's comment on black employment was a low point in his fact-free debate performance


The watchword of the day is discernment, that is to say the ability to judge well. This is what I took away from Thursday night's presidential debate: it was a real test for the public to distinguish fact from fiction.

If the masses can see through former President Donald Trump's bravado and his cascade of lies. If they can hear the whisper of democratic principles, potentially the last of Joe Biden's raspy voice, above the thundering, disorienting sounds of MAGA bigotry.

That's what came to mind while listening to Trump's racist comments about immigrants claiming to take black jobs, in response to a question about whether some black voters felt left behind.

Here is the quote:

The fact is, his biggest victim among black people is the millions of people he let across the border. They're taking jobs from black people now, and it could be 18, 19, or even 20 million people. They're taking jobs from black people, and they're taking jobs from Hispanics, and you haven't seen it yet, but you're going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history.

To be clear, this is not a fact. The “black jobs” remark is a false claim that aligns with Trump’s strategy of pitting blacks against immigrants. And that was just one of many big black lies (as opposed to little white ones) and misleading claims that Trump lobbed about himself and black people on Thursday.

For example:

He touted past support for historically Black colleges and universities, even though it was the Biden administration, not Trump, that authorized historic funding for HBCUs. (Trump, for the record, threatened HBCU presidents with investigations if he were elected and found out they didn’t support him in November.) Trump called his administration’s support for opportunity zones in low-income neighborhoods some of the most successful economic development legislation ever passed in the country, despite multiple reports finding that it failed to deliver meaningful results for those communities. Trump repeated his false claim that he gave Biden a perfect economy, which the Biden administration ruined with inflationary policies that hurt Black people. (Experts predict that Trump’s tariff plan would send inflation soaring.) He blamed inflation, which he said is killing Black people, on Biden, despite numerous reports showing that Trump’s Covid-era policies also played a role in the rise in inflation.

When asked what he had done and what he would do for black voters, Biden's answers were more substantive: He talked about cutting child care costs; its (real) record of supporting HBCUs; his proposed housing tax credits; his administration's success in promoting black business ownership, reducing black unemployment and significantly reducing the rate of blacks without health insurance and he pledged to do more if re-elected.

These exchanges about black people were emblematic of the entire debate: Biden offered sensible answers (albeit with less vigor than some wanted) and Trump blabbered and boasted about unhinged nonsense. Despite what others think, the former beats the latter every time.




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