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Trump's undisputed lies on immigration leave advocates frustrated and fearful

Trump's undisputed lies on immigration leave advocates frustrated and fearful


Former President Donald Trump dominated the immigration portion of the presidential debate Thursday night, repeating lies and erroneous narratives with little to no resistance from President Joe Biden, who appeared unwilling to refute a much of the predictable misinformation about immigration that his opponent was peddling.

For Jeffrey Thielman, who heads the New England International Institute, an organization that helps refugees and immigrants in resettlement need, the debate was littered with moments when Biden wasn't able to articulate his thoughts very clearly.

That's a concern, Thielman said, adding that his organization was preparing for the prospect of a second Trump term. He described it as scary because the organization projects it could lose a third of its federal funding if Trump wins.

His concern echoed that of a dozen Latino and immigrant rights organizations who spoke to NBC News. They expressed disappointment in a debate that has strayed from meaningful solutions and raised fears about the future of immigration policy.

Biden missed an important opportunity to fact-check his opponent and provide proper context to the issue of immigration, and move it away from dehumanizing rhetoric that falsely portrays immigrants as inherent threats, 16 organizations Latin American advocates, including Americas Voice, Alianza for Progress, Latino Victory and Voto Latino, said in a joint statement Friday.

Throughout the election campaign, Trump and other Republicans have focused on a handful of criminal cases involving immigrants in order to promote tougher immigration policies, even though recent research suggests that those who immigrate (legally or illegally) are no more likely to emigrate, and may even be less likely to commit crimes in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Institute of Justice.

Nayna Gupta, policy director of the National Immigrant Justice Center, said it is problematic in the debate to focus on individual criminal acts involving migrants in a way that suggests that immigrant communities as a whole are dangerous in an one way or another.

Clarissa Martinez, vice president of the Latino Vote Initiative at UnidosUS, said the president missed another good opportunity to focus on the balanced approach Latinos want to see on immigration issues.

Biden did not address his administration's most recent immigration measures barring migrants who cross the border illegally from receiving asylum and expanding protections to undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and their children.

At a time when Trump has made immigration a central focus of his campaign, polls show that Latinos are not only hearing more and more about immigration from Republicans, but that they are also less and less confidence in the way Democrats are handling this problem.

If the other side doesn't show up to define itself, your opponent will define you, Martinez said of the cost of Biden's failure to articulate his immigration agenda during the debate.

Stephen Nuo, a political scientist at Northern Arizona University, said Biden and Democrats clearly had difficulty breaking through Trump's rhetoric on immigration, which was demonstrated during the debate. Trump accused Biden of letting millions of people in the United States out of prisons, people from mental institutions, from insane asylums, from terrorists.

What is a reasonable rebuttal to something that is not only a lie but also madness? … Other than saying, 'That's not true,'” Nuo said.

Trump also said that migrants were taking jobs reserved for blacks and Hispanics, sparking backlash over the very meaning of those terms.

There is also no evidence for Trump's claims: Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that black and Hispanic workers saw gains under both the Biden and Trump administrations.

Under Trump, the unemployment rate for blacks fell to 5.3% in September 2019 and to 3.9% for Latinos, reaching a record low at the time. Those rates have fallen again under Biden, with blacks reaching a new low of 4.8% in April 2023 and Hispanics reaching an unemployment rate of 3.9% again in September 2022.

A missed opportunity

Trump focused on the economy, crime and immigration during his debate, dodging questions he received on other topics to divert attention to the trio of issues that have consistently fueled his base .

Several times during the debate, Trump falsely stated that Biden was destroying Medicare because all these people were coming in, they were putting them on Medicare. They were putting them on Social Security, also claiming that millions of people were coming into our country and taking the place of our citizens.

Trump also wrongly said, “We have a border that is the most dangerous place in the world, considered the most dangerous place in the world.”

Marisa Limon Garza, executive director of the Immigrant Advocacy Center of Las Americas, said one thing was clear after last night’s debate: Politicians often ignore the facts when discussing the border and immigrant communities. These mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters are not the scapegoats for all of our nation’s ills.

Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Global Refuge, said she doesn't think the debate around immigration has enlightened anyone.

“Unfortunately, the discourse has been dominated by misinformation that has gone unchallenged, and that's a missed opportunity,” she said, adding that crises like affordable housing and the opioid epidemic are attributed to immigrants. And I think that gives people false hope that if we close the border, that will solve these problems, she said. And that’s clearly not the case.

Thielman highlighted what he saw happening in his community and the threat that can come from Trump's inflammatory rhetoric.

“There are all kinds of hate groups that come to the hotels where we have guests, you know, and come and attack our work,” Thielman said. “It’s only going to accelerate, it’s going to intensify and it’s going to get even worse.” »




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