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Dina Boluarte and Xi Jinping: details of their meeting and the agreements signed between Peru and China | POLICY

Dina Boluarte and Xi Jinping: details of their meeting and the agreements signed between Peru and China |  POLICY


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Then the leaders held a meeting that lasted a little over forty-five minutes. During the meeting, Xi Jinping highlighted the important role of Chinese companies in Peru's economic development and reaffirmed his country's support for Peru's chosen development path.

He also showed his active support for the organization of the APEC summit, which will be held in November in Lima. He also expressed China's willingness to coordinate cooperation in various fields, including mining, energy, manufacturing and agriculture, as well as new areas such as renewable energy and artificial intelligence. .

On another occasion, the Chinese leader stressed the importance of completing the port of Chancay on time, so that it becomes a new land and sea channel between China and Latin America.

In turn, President Boluarte stressed that this visit constitutes an invaluable opportunity to strengthen the friendly relations that exist between the two countries.

In his speech, the Head of State highlighted China as Peru's main trading partner and an important source of investment in our country.

China's interest in key sectors of the Peruvian economy, such as mining, infrastructure and energy, is fundamental to national development plans, while ongoing investments are a source of jobs and a promise of economic progress, he stressed.

On another occasion, the Head of State invited his counterpart to the inauguration of the port of Chancay and indicated that it would be an opportunity to consolidate bilateral relations.

We hope, Mr. President Xi Jinping, to consolidate and expand our bilateral relations, taking advantage of your country's interest in the opportunities that Peru offers thanks to its generous resources and the entrepreneurial spirit of its people, he said.

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After that, in the presence of the two heads of state, various economic, technological and commercial cooperation agreements were signed. Foreign Minister Javier Gonzlez-Olaechea was responsible for signing the documents on behalf of Peru.

On the Chinese side, several ministers and senior officials have done so. For example, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, to establish the Joint Action Plan 2024-2029 between the two countries. In addition, there was an exchange of diplomatic notes to support the Boluarte government in organizing the APEC Forum, which will take place in November.

Meanwhile, with the Minister of the General Administration of Customs, Yu Jianhua, protocols on phytosanitary issues were signed, as well as on the inspection, quarantine and veterinary health requirements applicable to donkey meat and derived products exported from Peru to this eastern country.

Memoranda of understanding for a strategic dialogue on economic cooperation between the two governments were signed with other officials. Another signed document concerns the creation of a trade defense cooperation mechanism, in which Indecopi and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce participate.

Gonzles-Olaechea also signed a memorandum of understanding between China Media Group and the National Institute of Radio and Television.

In addition, he signed the first amendment to the memorandum of understanding on cooperation in science, technology and innovation between the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Concytec) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Asian country.

Finally, the president of the Association of Exporters (ADEX), Julio Pérez Alván, and the president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Ren Hongbin, signed the memorandum of understanding that creates the Peruvian Business Council- Chinese.


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Previous activities

Before visiting the Chinese president, Boluarte met with the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (China's congress), Zhao Leji, and the premier of the Asian giant, Li Qiang.

During his visit to the Asian country, Boluarte visited the cities of Shenzhen and Shanghai, where he met with executives from companies such as the technology company Huawei, the automotive company BYD and Cosco Shipping, the company that leads the consortium that is building the Chancay megaport.

A Palace source told El Comercio newspaper that the president was very happy with the attitude, interest, solid proposals and investment interest of the Asian power towards Peru.

Boluarte returns home today at 10:00 a.m. (11:00 p.m. in China). Before that, he has two activities, a meeting with his ministers and a visit to the Peruvian embassy in Beijing.

This is the sixth foreign trip that the president has made since the start of her mandate and it is the first she has made this year after a seven-month break. She was accompanied on this trip by ministers Javier Gonzlez-Olaechea (Foreign Relations), Jos Arista (Economy and Finance), Hania Prez de Cullar (Housing), Ral Prez Reyes (Transport and Communications) and Csar Vsquez (Health). In total, the delegation was made up of 17 people and the trip cost S523,419/523,419 for the Peruvian state.

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Former Vice Chancellor Eduardo Ponce Vivanco, former Ambassador Carlos Pareja and internationalist Francisco Belaunde highlighted Boluarte's meeting with his Chinese counterpart and the importance of the Asian giant as a commercial partner for Peru.

For Ponce Vivanco, although Peru is a small market due to its size, it constitutes an absolutely important entry point for South America due to its geographical location, as demonstrated by the port of Chancay, which is an investment of Cosco Shipping, the Chinese company responsible for the works, and which constitutes the port entrance of the Asian giant to this continent.

This trip is important and timely because it takes place a few months after Xi Jinping's visit to Peru as part of APEC 2024. The two things intertwine in a positive way, beyond the agreements signed during this trip. […] The protocol reception by the Chinese authorities demonstrates the importance that the Chinese have given to the visit and this is gratifying for us, he said.

In turn, Pareja told the newspaper El Comercio that this is the visit of the greatest political importance carried out by Boluarte and that this is seen in the number of ministers who accompanied her and in the number of days that she spent in this Asian country. Likewise, he highlighted that the Head of State visited three cities, where she had multiple official and commercial contacts.

This means a strengthening of the global strategic partnership between the two countries and implies the strengthening of political dialogue at the highest level, the updating of the FTA and the transfer of technology that we hope to see soon in Peru, he stressed.

He added that Peru's importance to China lies in its strategic location and its main mineral resources, mainly copper; fishing and agriculture.

For his part, internationalist Francisco Belaunde indicated that the purpose of the trip was to seek more investments. We must not forget that China is one of Peru's main trade and economic partners. It has numerous investments in ac. And the idea is to look for new investment opportunities […] Presidential visits can contribute, in one way or another, to this effect,emarc.

On the other hand, he believes that it is very important that China strengthens its ties with several Latin American countries within the framework of the geopolitical competition it maintains with the United States.




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