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Danny Pomanto is the only mayor in Indonesia to receive the Wira Karya Satyalencana 2024 from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo., SEMARANG,- Mayor of Makassar, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto received the honorary Satyalencana Wira Karya Award. An award given by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Joko Widodo.

This award was presented directly by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhadjir Effendy, at the height of the 31st National Family Day (Harganas) in 2024 in Simpang Lima, Semarang City, Central Java. , Saturday (29/06/2024).

Satyalencana Wira Karya was won by four regional leaders and one academic, including Makassar Mayor Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto, Sumbawa Regent Mahmud Abdullah, South Lampung Regent Nanang Ermanto, TP PKK South Lampung Chairman Winarni Nanang Ermanto and STKIP PGRI Pacitan Chairman Dr. Mukodi.

This means that Danny Pomanto is the only mayor in Indonesia to receive the 2024 Satyalencana Wira Karya Award.

Based on the proposal of the Indonesian BKKBN and the assessment of the Presidential Military Secretariat (Setmilpres), the award was given to Danny Pomanto for his services and efforts to play an active role in the abbreviation of the development program family, population and family planning in Bangga Kencana a success.

In addition to playing an active role in improving human resource (HR) development programs and reducing stunting prevalence rates in Makassar City.

Mayor of Makassar, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto said that I dedicate this honorary mark to the Makassar DPPKB team for their efforts so far in obtaining the honorary mark.

First of all, I would like to thank the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, for the honor bestowed on me. “This cannot be separated from the work of friends of KB and the community who support the Golden Pride and Stunting program,” he said.

Danny said this moment should not be used as a momentary satisfaction because the city of Makassar still has many tasks, especially regarding family resilience and stunting reduction targets.

JOURNAL 28TH EDITION | MAY 2024 – Turn the page to read!!!

I think that regarding this honorary mark, one of the indicators is that the childcare program is massively taking place in Makassar. By accelerating the reduction of stunting, we can maximize the better and more productive performance of the younger generation in the future. “Again, this award is not for me but for all of us, residents of Makassar City,” he said.

Not only that, Danny also revealed that several innovations are being evaluated, such as the Masiga application, an innovation of the DPPKB which contains a database of the Bangga Kencana program and the Stunting Control Lorong program or known as Lopis.

Where in the stunting control corridor is the activity of Fathers Asuh Stunting Children (BAAS), which is one of the Makassar City Government's interventions to reduce the stunting rate.

Based on the EPPGM data of February 2024, our stunting data is only 3.01%. “This figure has decreased compared to the same period of February 2023, which was 3.73%,” Syahruddin concluded.

Danny has made various efforts to optimize KB Village as a forum for family-based community empowerment.

Such as the realization of facilities and infrastructure as well as regulatory support and financing of the Bangga Kencana program through the APBD.

Our family planning villages in Makassar City have reached 153 family planning villages by 2023. Last year, we only had 16 family planning villages. “Thank God, this year it increased quickly thanks to the smart work of Makassar DPPKB friends,” said Danny.

Danny said that the Satyalancana Wira Karya obtained today is of course in the hope that it can further motivate so that the goals of quantitative indicators in family development can be achieved.

For your information, the awarding of the Satyalencana Wira Karya Honorary Certificate followed a strict process starting from a proposal from the provincial government through the Indonesian BKKBN, direct verification and field inspection by the Degrees, Services and Honors Team of the Presidential Military Secretariat some time before.

Satyalencana Wira Karya itself is a badge of honor given by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to its citizens who have shown great dedication to the Indonesian state and nation so that they can become role models for others.

Journalist: Abink
Publisher: Fitri Indriani 2024

PT. Halilintar Press Group

Number of readers: 8




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