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Britain's beloved NHS has been brought to its knees by the Conservative Party. Then the COVID pandemic hit

Britain's beloved NHS has been brought to its knees by the Conservative Party.  Then the COVID pandemic hit


The UK election is less than a week away and after 14 years in power the Conservative Party is set to lose.

Topping the list of public grievances is the country's declining National Health Service and its desperate lack of funding before the COVID-19 pandemic struck.

A massive inquiry is currently underway to examine the UK government's handling of COVID-19, and former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted “there were unquestionably things we should have done differently”.

The COVID-19 years are shaping up to be one of the most terrifying and deadly periods in British history, far deadlier than the German bombings during the Second World War.

More than 232,000 people have died from the virus, hospital wait times have reached record levels and the health system is still struggling with a backlog of patients.

But Britain's health system was already woefully underfunded and ill-prepared when the pandemic arrived.

So how could the NHS have been allowed to fall into disrepair and bring it to the brink of collapse, just as disaster struck?

The vision of the new Bevan

Black and white photo of a man in a suit smiling for a portrait.

Welsh socialist Aneurin Bevan oversaw the birth of the NHS.(Provided: National Portrait Gallery, London)

The NHS is highly regarded in Britain.

During the COVID pandemic, Boris Johnson called it “the country’s greatest asset”.

“Our NHS is the beating heart of this country. This is the best thing about this country. He is invincible. It is fueled by love. »

Former Chancellor Nigel Lawson called it “the nearest thing the English people have to a national religion”.

It was founded in 1948 by a Welshman named Aneurin Bevan, known to everyone as Nye.

He was a die-hard socialist and clashed with almost anyone who wasn't.

Winston Churchill described it as “a projectile launched from the Welsh valleys.”

After Labour won a landslide election in 1945, Bevan was surprisingly appointed Minister of Health.

Black and white photo of a man in a suit and two women wearing nurses' hats standing at the bedside of a young woman.

As Health Minister, Aneurin Bevan had the daunting task of implementing the National Health Service.(Provided: University of Liverpool School of Health and Life Sciences below Creative Commons 2.0)

At the time, Britain's healthcare system was in shambles.

Some hospitals were run by charities, others by local governments, and still others by insurance companies.

This meant that wealthier areas of the country received much better care than poorer areas.

Nye Bevan was given a blank cheque to solve this problem and his proposal was extraordinary: all British hospitals would be nationalised and come under the control of the Health Secretary.

Using around 5% of the government budget, healthcare would become free for everyone in Britain.

Rise of the NHS and fall of Bevan

Black and white photo of a man giving a speech in front of a flag.

Aneurin Bevan was known for speaking his mind.(Provided: The National Library of Wales / The National Library of Wales below Creative Commons 1.0 Universal License)

There was massive opposition to the NHS from doctors, specialists and hospitals, who until then had been their own bosses, but with money and compromise Bevan won them over.




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