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Biden is under pressure to give up. Trump is not participating.

Biden is under pressure to give up.  Trump is not participating.


Former President Donald Trump is not known for his measured comments on the weaknesses of his political opponents.

But after a debate in which a number of Democrats said President Joe Biden's performance was so uneven and concerning that he should consider withdrawing from the presidential race just weeks before the Democratic National Convention, Trump refrains from confusing everything.

Speaking at a rally in Virginia on Friday, Trump said his complaints about Biden had nothing to do with his age, that the president overprepared for the faceoff and that In the end, Biden was probably the toughest competitor he would have.

He studied so hard he didn't know what he was doing, Trump, 78, said of his 81-year-old rival, adding: “It's not his age, it's his skill.”

Trump added that he doesn't think Democrats would abandon Biden because he's performing better in the polls than any of the Democrats they're talking about, citing California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Vice President Kamala Harris and a few others.

It's hard to believe, but Crooked Joe Biden's poll numbers are better than those people's, he said.

That's a change from Trump's rhetoric and that of his allies just a few weeks ago, when Trump told WABC 770 AM that he doubted Biden would even run, frankly. I can't even imagine it.

For months, Republicans have been floating the idea that Biden, already the oldest president in the country's history, would ultimately not be on the ballot this fall, spreading a conspiracy theory that Democrats would strive to replace him at the end of the campaign with Newsom or former first lady Michelle Obama.

But after Biden's performance Thursday, Trump and his campaign advisers quickly sought to push back against suggestions that the president might not be their opponent this fall.

The Bidens aren't going anywhere, Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita told NBC News after the debate. The only way Joe Biden will be removed from the ticket is if he voluntarily decides he won't do it, and he won't make that decision.

Clearly, political considerations are at play: The Trump team now sees Biden as the clear candidate it wants to face, especially as Democrats' anxiety about Biden's strength spills over into public opinion.

Democrats are in total disarray, Trump adviser Brian Hughes told NBC News after the Atlanta debate. They fear they’ve made a terrible mistake. I hope no one lets them off the hook. If they think they can just walk away from Joe Biden, that would be a level of dishonesty that deserves to be called out.

In the 24 hours since Thursday's debate, congressional Democrats and potential 2028 presidential candidates, including Governors Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, JB Pritzker of Illinois and Newsom, as well as Harris, all supported Biden, as did former President Barack Obama. But others were quick to suggest that Biden's performance necessitated his removal or at least called for a serious discussion of alternatives.

Ultimately, any decision to withdraw at this point would have to be made by Biden. And he gave every indication Friday at a rally in North Carolina that he was moving forward.

I know I'm not a young man, Biden said. I don't walk as smoothly as I used to. I don't talk as softly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I know, I know how to tell the truth! I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job.

Biden compared his missteps to Trump's misleading or false statements during the debate.

When you get knocked down, you get back up, Biden shouted to a cheering crowd.

Brendan McPhillips, a senior adviser to Biden's Pennsylvania team, said that ultimately, Trump's comments about black jobs and his refusal to commit to accepting the election results will prove more important than Biden's poor performance, regardless of the consternation that will be expressed by Democrats in the immediate aftermath.

McPhillips led Democratic Sen. John Fettermans' campaign in the Keystone State in 2022, when the candidate suffered a stroke and had a highly troubling debate against Republican Mehmet Oz weeks before winning the battleground state.

And it turned out that voters didn't care about that bullshit, he said. If anything, it reaffirmed the stakes. And I look at what's happening right now and I see a lot of that same bullshit. I see a lot of people pretending to be relevant and wanting to increase their influence by making insane statements on Twitter or online or in the press.

Speaking to Fox News, Trump went so far as to say that not only would Biden be the Democratic nominee, but no other candidate could have performed better against him.

They couldn't have done better, he said Friday. No one else would have done it better.

Biden’s performance, however, has worried at least one Trump adviser. That person said he watched Biden and was gripped by fears that his performance would be bad enough to force Biden out of the race.

It was the sum of all my fears, the counselor said.




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