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Xi calls on global South to play bigger role on global stage

Xi calls on global South to play bigger role on global stage


(Bloomberg) — Chinese leader Xi Jinping called for a greater say in international affairs for the Global South, stepping up efforts to challenge U.S. influence around the world.

Developing countries should be at the forefront of promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, Xi said in a speech in Beijing on Friday.

The two countries should work together to be a stabilizing force for peace and help resolve conflicts around the world, he said, according to a transcript of the remarks posted online by the government. In a veiled attack on the United States, Xi said the world should never be allowed to listen to anyone with a strong arm.

The comments underscore Xi's campaign during his 12 years in power to revamp the global governance system to free it from what his diplomats frequently call U.S. hegemony. A key aspect of this has been forging a stronger friendship with Russia and expanding the BRICS.

BRICS, named after its members Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, doubled in size this year by attracting countries from the South. It provides access to financing and is also a political venue independent of Washington's influence.

Joining the group is also a way for countries to express their growing frustration with the U.S.-led order and key institutions that remain firmly under the control of Western powers, like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

China has spearheaded the drive to expand the bloc in recent years. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim recently declared his intention to apply to join the bloc, and Thailand, a treaty ally of the United States, announced its own application.

China's willingness to take the lead in this challenge coincides with its adoption of a more aggressive approach in its diplomacy and territorial claims, particularly over Taiwan and the Philippines, both of which are backed by the United States.

Beijing is engaged in escalating tensions with the Philippines over a disputed sandbar in the South China Sea. A clash on June 17 saw Chinese coast guards brandishing axes and a Filipino sailor losing his thumb in a confrontation that underscores Beijing's desire to see how far it can push Manila and its allies in Washington.

Xi’s government has also offered diplomatic and economic support to Russia since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, much to the chagrin of the United States and the European Union. Moscow’s trade with China hit a record $240 billion in 2023, driven by sales of Russian oil and gas and purchases of electronics, industrial equipment and cars.

Xi's speech Friday came at an event marking the 70th anniversary of China's formulation of its Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which Beijing considers the cornerstone of its foreign policy.

In his speech, Xi said his country was willing to discuss free trade agreements with countries in the South. He also pledged to open a research center in the Global South and provide more educational opportunities to people in developing countries.

He said he understood the need to work with the United States, saying efforts to seek decoupling ran counter to the trend of history and would only harm the common interests of the international community.

The comments come after the United States said it was considering further limiting China's access to high-end semiconductors.

Xi Jinping also urged all nations to align with China in opposing any interference in others' internal affairs and to oppose any push to force other countries to choose sides.

(Updates with more details on Xi's speech and context.)

Bloomberg LP 2024




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