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CM appeals to PM Modi, seeks clearance for ongoing water projects, funds for Bengaluru infrastructure projects

CM appeals to PM Modi, seeks clearance for ongoing water projects, funds for Bengaluru infrastructure projects


The chief minister and his cabinet colleagues with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in News Delhi on Saturday.

The Chief Minister and his cabinet colleagues with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Saturday. | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Saturday and sought the Centre's clearance for three major pending water projects, including the Mekedatu project that aims to provide drinking water to Bengaluru and surrounding residential areas from a planned dam.

The Chief Minister, during his meeting with Mr. Modi, raised the issue of the Upper Bhadra project, pending with the Center since 2020. It aims to irrigate 2.25 lakh hectares in central districts of Karnataka.

A sum of 5,300 crores had been announced for this purpose in the central budget for 2023-24, but so far no grant has been released. Mr. Siddaramaiah demanded early release of funds for the project and urged the Center to declare this project a national project.

The other major drinking water supply project that requires approval from the centers is the Kalasa Banduri nala project, which was approved by a court in 2018. A detailed project report was submitted by the state government . The project aims to provide water to the arid areas of Kittur Karnataka.

He congratulated Mr Modi on his assumption of the post of Prime Minister for a third term. “In the spirit of the principle of cooperative federalism that you have championed, I would like to put forward the aspirations of the people of Karnataka,” the Chief Minister said.

For Bangalore

The Chief Minister highlighted the investment needs of Bengaluru and sought the Centre's intervention to support the city for its Metro Rail project and Ring Road project. He sought funds from the Center for construction of a 60 km city tunnel at a cost of 30,000 crore to decongest traffic in Bengaluru city. The cost of the tunnel per km has been estimated at 500 crore.

The project, which would connect NH 7 and NH 4 and ease traffic congestion in Bengaluru, could be taken up by both the Centre and Karnataka, Mr Siddaramaiah said, urging Mr Modi to provide funds through the National Highway Authority of India in the Budget.

Unfair report

Mr. Siddaramaiah termed the 15th Finance Commission report as unfair to Karnataka and said, “We lost our share in tax devolution to the tune of 1 per cent, resulting in a loss of Rs 1,80,000 crores over a period of five years. At least the Center could consider honoring the commission's recommendation for state-specific grants of `11,495 crore,” the chief minister said.

The state also urged the Center to approve the pending proposal to set up a pan-India institute of medical sciences in Raichur.

Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar, Home Minister G Parameshwara and Social Welfare Minister H C Mahadevappa were also with Mr Siddaramaiah when he met Mr Modi.

CM meets Rahul

Earlier in the day, the Chief Minister also visited Rahul Gandhi and congratulated him on becoming Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha.




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