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Biden vows to keep fighting and defeat Trump after heated debate

Biden vows to keep fighting and defeat Trump after heated debate


11 hours ago

By Bernd Debusmann Jr, BBC News, Washington

What Biden and Trump said after high-stakes debate

US President Joe Biden has hit back at criticism of his age, telling supporters in a fiery speech that he will win re-election in November after a poor debate performance fuelled concerns about his candidacy.

“I know I'm not a young man, to state the obvious,” he said Friday at a rally in the battleground state of North Carolina, a day after struggling in of the televised confrontation with his Republican rival Donald Trump.

“I don't walk as easily as I used to… I don't debate as well as I used to,” he admitted. “But I know what I know, I know how to tell the truth[and] I know how to do this job.”

Mr Biden, 81, said he believed with all his “heart and soul” he could serve another term, as the enthusiastic Raleigh crowd chanted four more years.

While questions about Mr. Biden's age are not new, his faltering performance during the debate – marked by verbal gaps, a raspy voice and hard-to-follow answers – sparked panic among some Democrats who raised new questions about his candidacy.

Joe Biden's campaign team has always maintained that the country's oldest candidate is still fit to run for another term. Campaign officials said he would not step aside for another candidate, despite his poor showing.

“Absolutely not,” said Mia Ehrenberg, a spokeswoman for the Biden campaign, in response to questions about whether Mr. Biden would give up his candidacy.

And while several campaign officials — including Vice President Kamala Harris — have admitted in interviews that the president stumbled during the debate, they have reiterated their commitment to the elder statesman and stressed that his answers were more substantive than Mr. Trump’s.

The president may have lost the debate on style, but he won it on facts, he won it on decency, and he won it on the ideas that people think are important in this country , campaign co-chairman Mitch Landrieu said on CNN the morning after the debate.

Since then, many senior Democrats and Biden allies have made additional efforts to defend the former president's performance and calm liberal jitters.

Former President Barack Obama, who remains one of the party's most popular figures, tweeted that “bad debate nights are coming.”

“This election remains a choice between someone who has fought his entire life for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself,” Mr. Obama wrote, adding that Mr. Trump is “ someone who brazenly lies for his own benefit.”

But Democrats' fears about Mr Biden are far from allayed.

Party officials, political operatives and people close to the president who spoke to the BBC's Katty Kay painted a picture of a party worried about the strength of its candidate.

Nancy Pelosi, the former Democratic House Speaker, said that from a performance standpoint, it wasn't great. Other Democrats, like Biden's former communications director, Kate Bedingfield, called it a truly disappointing performance.

Democratic donors who spoke anonymously to various media outlets were more blunt, with one calling the performance “disqualifying.”

“The only way it could have been more disastrous would have been if he had fallen off the stage. The big donors are saying… he has to go,” one Democratic operative told the Financial Times.

And on Friday, the New York Times editorial board called on Mr. Biden to step down. It said Democrats should “recognize that Mr. Biden cannot continue his race and create a process to select someone more capable to replace him.”

Mr. Trump, meanwhile, held his own rally in Virginia hours later, where he hailed a “big victory” in the debate, which CNN said was watched by 48 million people on television and millions more online.

“Joe Biden’s problem is not his age,” said Trump, 78. “It’s his competence. He is patently incompetent.”

The former president said he did not believe speculation that Mr Biden might drop out of the race, saying he is “doing better in the polls” than other Democrats, including California Governor Gavin Newsom and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Insults and insults: key moments of the Biden-Trump debate

Despite concerns from some media pundits, early indications suggest there has been “no change” in the polls following the debate, Washington Post columnist Philip Bump told BBC R4's Today programme.

Speaking later on the show, pollster Frank Luntz said there may not be a significant change in voter intentions – as most Americans have already decided who they will vote for later this year.

Early polls, however, show that American voters consider Mr. Trump the clear winner.

A post-debate poll by the liberal Data for Progress found that 62 percent of likely voters who watched or read the debate thought Trump won. Just 30% of people surveyed by the progressive polling group said Mr. Biden won the debate.

Until further polling is conducted, the fundraising could be another indication of continued enthusiasm for Mr. Biden's candidacy — significant change on that front could pose a major challenge for Democrats.

In an apparent effort to show it was maintaining momentum, the Biden campaign said the president had raised $14 million at fundraisers in recent days.

And between Thursday's debate and Friday night, Mr. Biden was reported to have raised more than $27 million for the campaign.

Mr. Biden is also expected to meet with other donors on Saturday. He has planned fundraisers in New York’s affluent Hamptons and in Redbank, New Jersey.




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