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Dina Boluarte in China: details of her meeting with Xi Jinping and agreements signed

Dina Boluarte in China: details of her meeting with Xi Jinping and agreements signed


Dina Boluarte would be mandated alongside her Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.  |  Presidency
Dina Boluarte would be mandated alongside her Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. | Presidency

The Peruvian President In Boluarte He ended his trip to the Asian continent amid strong questions about the functionality of remote dispatching, given the strong earthquake in Arequipa and the lack of immediate response. During the presentation of the trip to China, it was mentioned that it would serve to strengthen bilateral relations with Peru's main trading partner, in favor of the recovery of the national economy, but was it really worth it? These are the agreements signed by the president.

According to a source from El Comercio, during the visit several economic, technological and commercial cooperation agreements were signed in the presence of the two heads of state. Among the most notable agreements are three protocols with the Minister of the General Administration of Customs of China, Yu Jianhuawhich establish phytosanitary requirements for the export of fresh grapes, as well as inspection, quarantine and veterinary health regulations for donkey and horse meat and skins from Peru.

With the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yia memorandum of understanding was signed to implement the Joint Action Plan 2024-2029 and diplomatic notes were exchanged for the organization of APEC 2024.

In the economic field, two memoranda of understanding were signed with Zheng Shanjiedirector of the National Development and Reform Commission. One of them is related to a strategic dialogue mechanism on economic cooperation, and the other aims to strengthen cooperation in the digital economy between the National Data Bureau of China and the Ministry of Production of Peru.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Peruvian President Dina Boluarte review the honor guard during the welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, June 28, 2024. JADE GAO/Pool va REUTERS
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Peruvian President Dina Boluarte review the honor guard during the welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China June 28, 2024. JADE GAO/Pool VA REUTERS

Likewise, the Minister of Commerce of China, Wang Wentaoand the Indecopi They signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a trade defense cooperation mechanism. It was also agreed to cooperate in the protection of consumer rights with Luo WenDirector of the National Administration for Market Regulation.

On the media front, a memorandum was signed between the Chinese Media Group and the National Radio and Television Institute of Peru. In the field of science and technology, an addendum was signed for cooperation in technological innovation between the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation of Peru and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.

Finally, the Peruvian-Chinese Business Council was created through a memorandum of understanding signed by Julio Pérez Alvinpresident of the Association of Exporters (ADEX), and Ren HongbinChairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte delivered a speech in Shanghai, eastern China, on Thursday, in which she highlighted her country's potential as a destination for investors and its development opportunities in various sectors. EFE/ Presidency of Peru EDITORIAL USE ONLY/ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE ACCOMPANYING NEWS (MANDATORY CREDIT)
Peru's President Dina Boluarte delivered a speech in Shanghai, eastern China, on Thursday in which she highlighted her country's potential as a destination for investors and its development possibilities in various sectors. EFE/ Presidency of Peru EDITORIAL USE ONLY/ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE ACCOMPANYING NEWS (MANDATORY CREDIT)

The main objective of the latter document in question is to establish mechanisms for collaboration between the private sector of the two nations to promote the trade and the investments. This agreement aims to create business opportunities, strengthen commercial relations between Peru and China and promote the export of goods and services.

One of the objectives is to strengthen the participation of businessmen from both countries in joint projects, thus facilitating the development of joint initiatives benefiting both economies.

In addition to a team of ministers and officials, the president visited China accompanied by a delegation made up of representatives of up to five professional associations. These are:

  • Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL)
  • Peruvian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Capechi)
  • Association of Exporters (ADEX)
  • Foreign Trade Company (Comex)
  • National Society of Industries (SNI)




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