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Donald Trump markets success with collectors


If the presidential election were determined by the value of candidates' memories, Donald Trump would easily win, experts say.

The marketing master is a polarizing figure and catnip for collectors.

“Donald Trump is much more collectible than Joe Biden, because he is not only a political figure but also a pop culture figure,” says Darren Julien of Julien's Auctions, based in Beverly Hills.

Roman Sharf, founder and CEO of Luxury Bazaar, paid $9,000 in February for a pair of gold “Never Surrender” sneakers autographed by Trump. Instagram @romansharf

Roman Sharf, founder and CEO of luxury watch retailer Luxury Bazaar, paid $9,000 in February for a pair of gold “Never Surrender” high-top sneakers autographed by Trump.

He has since been offered $45,000.

“The cool factor will always be on Trump’s side. He's not a politician. Biden is not a tough guy,” said Sharf, who is based in Southampton, Pennsylvania.

On eBay, someone is currently selling an autographed photo of Donald Trump for $100,000. “An incredible piece of American history.

Ultra rare piece that you may never see again,” boasts the seller, tysonscornercards-ig.

Another online entrepreneur is brandishing the same historic photo – signed by Biden – for $3,500.

Trump shows off a pair of gold sneakers in February. Getty Images Trump showed off his gold sneakers at Sneaker Con at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Getty Images

The Trump campaign boasted of raising more than $7 million after he was incarcerated in Atlanta's Fulton County Jail in August on charges of plotting to overturn the state's 2020 election results.

Products included T-shirts and long-sleeved shirts for $34, a coffee mug for $25 and beer koozies for $15.

Some of The Donald's greatest hits:

*A 1988 letter from Trump to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev inviting him to visit Trump Tower sold at auction in 2016 for $20,000. On eBay, someone is currently trying to sell an autographed mug shot of Donald Trump for $100,000. Coin collector John Wertman with his Trump “challenge coin” in December 2017 in Burke, Virginia. The Washington Post via Getty Images “Trump is much more collectible than Joe Biden because he is not just a political figure but a pop culture figure,” says Darren Julien of Julien’s Auctions, based in Beverly Hills. AP *A year later, a military-style jacket Trump wore while at the New York Military Academy sold for $17,000.

“The crazier Donald Trump gets, the more his collectible value increases,” Julien said. “Collecting is not an exact science, but the more rabid the fans are, the more they are willing to pay for something.”




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