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The 6 Weirdest and Most Confusing Rants From the Trump Rally

The 6 Weirdest and Most Confusing Rants From the Trump Rally


If there's one Trump rant that's guaranteed to melt your brain, it's the one where he gushes about fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter. Praising the Silence of the Lambs villain has become a regular part of Trump's speech, but most people didn't notice him until May because he couldn't stop talking about it.

Trump: The silence of the lamb! The late Hannibal Lecter. He was a wonderful man.

– Acyn (@Acyn) May 11, 2024

Trump has a sort of reason for bringing up Lecter: he’s invoking the movie’s villain to demonize immigrants. But Trump’s story is completely false, both factually and dramatically. Here’s why:

Trump claims that many migrants have stayed in psychiatric institutions like the one shown in The Silence of the Lambs, but there is no evidence that criminals and the mentally ill are flocking to the United States.

Trump has repeatedly said that Hannibal Lecter was a great man who deserved our congratulations, so why keep him outside the United States?

Trump appears confused about whether Hannibal Lecter is a character or the man who played him. He said: “Hannibal Lecter, what a great actor was he?”

Trump said he liked Lecter because the actor once said “I like Donald Trump” during a television interview. It's unclear who he was referring to, but all of the actors who have played Lecter, Anthony Hopkins, Mads Mikkelsen and Brian Cox, have said they don't like Trump.

Trump often references the late, great Hannibal Lecter, but the character does not die in any of the book, television or film adaptations.

At the end of The Silence of the Lambs, Lecter has escaped from Baltimore's hospital for the criminally insane and is stalking his next victim in the Bahamas. So this is an example of how the United States unleashes its detainees on a foreign country, not the other way around.

As the supercut below shows, Trump isn't concerned with any of these details. The former and possibly future President of the United States loves to shout “Hannibal Lecter!” » during his meetings, even if it makes no sense.

THE SILENCE OF THE LAMB! A clip of Trump's new favorite campaign tic from @VicBergerIV @ben_craw

Teaser for a new video series “The Ghost of Mar-a-Lago” coming to our Patreon and beyond this summer:

– Chapo Trap House (@CHAPOTRAPHOUSE) June 18, 2024




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