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Togg soon to hit European streets

Togg soon to hit European streets


(MENAFN- AzerNews) Established on June 25, 2018 under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Togg has become a leader in the Turkish electric car market with its first smart vehicle, the T10X. Starting next year, it will also debut in European markets with new models.

Founded in response to President Erdogan's call for Turkey's national and national automotive dream, Togg will celebrate its 6th anniversary on June 25.

Significant progress has been made in branding and production in recent years.

Chronologically, the demonstration of the T10X prototype, designed in September 2018, took place in December 2019.

Subsequently, the Togg Technology Campus, whose construction began on July 18, 2020, was inaugurated on October 29, Republic Day, in the presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The launch of Togg's first intelligent vehicle, the SUV C, from the mass production line was celebrated at the opening.

Togg announced pricing for its models on March 14, 2023, with pre-orders determined by random drawing on March 29, 2023. After collecting more than 177,000 requests, Togg increased its total production target for 2023 from 20,000 to 28 000 units.

After type approval, series production began in March-April 2023. Starting from a localization rate of more than 51%, this figure reached 68% in three years. Seventy-five percent of Togg's business partners are Turkish, with the remaining 25% coming from Europe, Asia and North America.

Battery production is expected to start in 2025.

Togg, which places particular importance on battery production, organized the inauguration ceremony of Siro in 2021, which was attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Siro Silk Road Clean Energy Storage Technologies was created through a 50-50 partnership between Farasis Enerji and Togg.

Construction of the battery production plant is underway, with battery production expected to begin in 2025. Siro aims to become a complete energy storage manufacturer, including cell development, from 2026.

Togg also installed its first chargers under the Trugo Smart Charging brand at the Bolu Highway Leisure Center on October 11, 2022. Since then, more than 600 DC charging stations and more than 250 AC charging stations have been installed in the 81 provinces of Turkey.

New models are under development.

In addition to the T10X deliveries, Togg continues to work on new models. It unveiled the current iteration of its second native electric smart vehicle, previewed in 2019, at CES 2024, the world's largest technology show, under the model name “T10F”.

The T10F model stands out for features such as its design, its usefulness as a source of energy, its artificial intelligence systems and its driving assistance assistants.

Togg is also developing a B-segment SUV.

In this regard, the T8X model is expected to be previewed next year.

Pre-orders for the T10F are planned for the end of this year.

The T10F, a fastback model reflecting contemporary design dynamics and meeting the expectations of sedan models, is expected to be available for order in Turkey by the end of the year and delivered to users early next year.

By 2032, Togg aims to produce 1 million vehicles across five different models with its new smart devices.

Arrival in Europe early next year.

As part of its European strategy, Togg established Togg Europe GmbH in Germany in May 2021.
Aiming to establish itself as a key player in European mobility, Togg plans to open pre-orders for the T10X in Europe by the end of the year.

The T10X and T10F models are expected to be available simultaneously in Europe from early next year.

The T10X maintains its position as market leader.

Additionally, recent data highlights Togg's performance in the Turkish electric car market.
According to ODMD data, Togg, which is continuously gaining ground among electric car brands, maintained its leading position in the market in May.

With sales of 4,140 units last month, Togg outsold its nearest competitor by 3,590 units. During this period, Togg held a market share of 56.33% in the electric car segment. In other words, every second electric car sold was a Togg T10X.

From January to May, Togg captured a 40.89% market share in electric car sales, totaling 11,288 units.


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