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Trump claims 'greatest performance in debate history'

Trump claims 'greatest performance in debate history'


The most talked about topic following the first presidential debate of 2024 on Thursday was not the return of former President Donald Trump to the debate stage, but rather the performance, questionable to say the least, of President Joe Biden. But it appears that this attention, or lack thereof, has not gone down well with Trump.

The presumptive Republican nominee spoke out Saturday, posting on Truth Social, his own social media platform owned by Trump Media & Technology Group. He shared his findings from his debate against Biden, which lasted 90 minutes and was moderated by CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

“As I left the stage Thursday night at the end of the highly anticipated ‘Debate,’ the hosts, political reporters and everyone else shouted that I had delivered the best debate performance in the long and storied history of presidential debates. They all said, in fact, ‘Trump was fantastic!’” the former president wrote.

He went on to add: This theme was universal, even at CNN and MSDNC. [referring to MSNBC]but Friday night it was all about Crooked Joe's poor performance, and not so much about my performance. Well, that's how it is, but, what's important, the result is the same!!!

We have been unable to find any record of a political anchor or journalist publicly stating that Trump had the best debate performance in the long and storied history of presidential debates. However, part of this article seems true: Much of the debate coverage has focused on Biden’s performance. Beyond that, debate analysis has focused on what the president should do now and what Democrats think in hindsight.

Read more: These are the most important moments from the first presidential debate

The online discourse has veered particularly away from politics, focusing on the ages of the two presumptive presidential candidates — Trump is 78 and Biden is 81 — and the absurdity of some of their debate moments. On X (formerly Twitter), users latched onto a dispute between Biden and Trump that revolved around their golf skills.

Elsewhere, some of Trump’s political debate moments have drawn attention. For one, he warned that immigrants were taking black and Hispanic jobs away from Americans, drawing the ire of critics. In response, one of those critics, Omarosa Manigault Newman, who worked in the White House during the Trump administration, said that “the black and Hispanic community is not monolithic.” Several black representatives have posted on X, fighting the term. He has also drawn online ire from reproductive rights advocates after falsely claiming that the Biden administration would take a baby’s life in the ninth month, and even after birth.

As for what's next for Trump, he will officially receive the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee July 15-18, where he is also expected to announce his running mate.

Trump also faces 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels. His sentencing is set for July 11, when he will appear in court in New York.




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