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Trump crushed Biden in debate, new poll reveals: 'More presidential'


Former President Trump trounced President Biden in his presidential debate Thursday, according to new polling data.

A survey of 500 registered voters by Schoen Cooperman Research found that 51% of voters who watched or were familiar with the debate thought Trump won, compared to just 23% who said Biden triumphed.

An additional 14% said they thought the contest was a draw, while 12% said they didn't know who won.

A new poll showed that former President Trump convincingly won the debate against President Biden. AFP via Getty Images President Biden and former President Donald Trump stand at stands during a break in the 2024 presidential debate in Atlanta. AP

Just over half of voters said Biden's alarming performance was worse than they expected, while 17% thought Trump's performance was worse than they expected.

Most voters said Trump's performance was “more presidential” than Biden's.

The poll finds that Trump has made great strides in allaying voters' fears about his fitness for office, while Biden has exacerbated them.

Nearly three-quarters of voters said they left the debate “more concerned” about “Biden’s age and fitness to be president.”

When it came to Trump, 39% of voters were more concerned that he is “chaotic, out of control and lacks the character needed to be president,” while 30% said they were now less concerned about this issue after the debate.

Despite Trump's landslide victory on the podium, the fundamental contours of the race appear to have remained largely unchanged.

Of those surveyed, 47% said they planned to support Trump, while 43% would vote for Biden.

A significant 10% of voters said they were unsure whether to vote or did not intend to do so.

The numbers reflect the narrow lead Trump had opened in polls before the debates.

The Shoen-Cooperman investigation contains more bad news for Biden.

Nearly 50% of voters said they were “much more likely to vote” following the debate.

And while most voters viewed both candidates poorly, negative views of Biden were higher than those of Trump, with 53% of voters saying they had an “unfavorable” opinion of Biden, compared to just 50% for Trump.

Voters said they came away from the debate less concerned than ever about Biden's fitness for office. Elijah Nouvelage/UPI/Shutterstock

“Trump was the big winner of the debate because he both improved perceptions of him and exceeded expectations for his performance. Most importantly, he neutralized his biggest weakness, appearing chaotic and out of control, while Biden’s performance heightened concerns about his age and fitness to be president,” pollster Carly Cooperman told the Post.

The poll was evenly split, with 36% of respondents identifying as either Democrats or Republicans. Another quarter declared themselves “independent”.

The survey followed a similar study conducted after the debate by CNN, which showed Trump dominating his rival on the network.

President Biden has faced growing calls to withdraw from the race, something he has vowed not to do. In an article on Truth Social Saturday, Trump never shied away from praising himself, calling his own performance the greatest debate in the long and storied history of presidential debates.




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