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Sino-Russian alignment is a pragmatic association

Sino-Russian alignment is a pragmatic association


The Sino-Russian alignment is a strategic maneuver, which uses the political relationship as a tool to promote their respective national goals.

In the shifting sands of global geopolitics, the emerging alignment between China and Russia has emerged as a significant development. This partnership, often described as a boundless friendship, is characterized by a strong and adaptable political bond that defies the conventional anchors of shared ideology or legal frameworks. Rather, it is a pragmatic association, driven by mutual interests and shaped by the dynamics of international relations.

At its core, Sino-Russian alignment is a strategic maneuver, leveraging the political relationship as a tool to promote their respective national goals. For Russia, shaken by the weight of Western sanctions, China has become an essential economic player.

Beijing's willingness to provide an economic lifeline has been key to helping Moscow circumvent punitive measures imposed by the West. This support extends to the military-industrial complex, where unrestricted exports of essential dual-use goods from China enhance Russia's capabilities.

The partnership is also evident in the realm of hybrid operations and military cooperation. Joint exercises and coordination are not just about showcasing Russia’s military might; they are calculated moves to reduce Russia’s diplomatic isolation. Moreover, China’s support amplifies Russia’s narrative in the Global South, a region where both nations seek to expand their influence and counter Western dominance.

This alliance is, however, not free of complexities. It depends largely on external factors, such as the position of the international community towards the two countries and the evolution of the global political landscape. The absence of a common ideological foundation or formalized legal structure means that the partnership is inherently flexible, able to adapt to developments in international affairs.

Efforts by external actors to drive a wedge between Beijing and Moscow risk being counterproductive. Such attempts underestimate the depth of the strategic calculation underlying the Sino-Russian relationship. The key to changing the dynamics of this partnership is not to try to separate the two countries, but to influence the reasons why Beijing supports Moscow. The international community must recognize the pragmatic nature of this alliance and develop strategies that take into account the motivations underlying China’s support for Russia.

In conclusion, the new Sino-Russian alignment demonstrates the power of pragmatic diplomacy over ideological solidarity. It is a partnership based on mutual benefit, with each nation using the other to achieve its strategic objectives. As the world watches this alliance develop, it is the subtle shifts in the geopolitical landscape that will determine the future trajectory of this fascinating partnership.

Khedroob Thondup, son of Gyalo Thondup, the Dalai Lama's elder brother, is a geopolitical analyst.




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