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Led by donkeys, protesters interrupt Nigel Farage's speech by lowering huge Putin banner

Led by donkeys, protesters interrupt Nigel Farage's speech by lowering huge Putin banner


Nigel Farage's latest rally was disrupted after political activists pulled down a remote-controlled banner showing Vladimir Putin behind him as he spoke.

During his speech at the Columbine Center in Walton-on-the-Naze in Essex, the British Reform Party leader was initially unaware that the Russian president was featured on the poster, with the words “I heart Nigel » written below.

He is heard asking, “Who put that there?” before joking, “Somebody at Columbine needs to be fired.” Two staff members tried to get rid of the banner, as spectators cheered and chanted, “Tear it down.”

On their social media page, the group Led By Donkeys, which had previously targeted Mr Farage, wrote: We just attended Farage's election rally with a beaming photo of Putin. Nigel wasn't happy.

Mr Farage has previously faced scrutiny for comments he has made about Putin, who has been president or prime minister of Russia since 1999.

Previously asked about him, Mr Farage told the BBC's Nick Robinson: “I said I didn't like him as a person, but I admired him as a political operator because he managed to take control of the management of Russia. »

He recently found himself embroiled in a verbal war with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, after he said the West had provoked Russia into invading Ukraine.

In a Telegraph article last Saturday, he urged his readers not to criticise him for telling the truth about Putin's war.

Britain's Reform Party leader Nigel Farage has said he would never, ever defend Russian President Vladimir Putin as he escalated his row with former prime minister Boris Johnson (Jordan Pettitt/PA)
Britain's reform leader Nigel Farage said he would never defend Russian President Vladimir Putin, as he escalated his row with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Jordan Pettitt/PA) (PA wire)

Mr Johnson shared the article on X, formerly Twitter, calling Mr Farage's views morally repugnant.

Referring to the Telegraph article, he wrote: “This is nauseating historical nonsense and more Kremlin propaganda.

In Kent on Monday, Mr Farage said he had been more prescient in predicting a war in Ukraine, telling the crowd: This has been transformed into Farage makes an outrageous statement, Farage defends Putin well, I don't none of that.

I will never defend Putin and I think his behavior in Ukraine and elsewhere has been reprehensible.

But if we are looking to achieve peace in the not-too-distant future, perhaps it might be helpful to understand what went wrong in the first place.

The leader of Britain's Reform Party held a rally in Essex on Saturday (Paul Marriott/PA)
Britain's Reform leader held a rally in Essex on Saturday (Paul Marriott/PA) (Sound wire)

Turning the fire on the former prime minister, Mr Farage said: Well, maybe it’s Boris Johnson who’s morally repugnant and not me, I don’t know. But can you see the level of hypocrisy? Do you see the absurdity of it all?

He added: “This man will be remembered as the worst Prime Minister of modern times. A man who betrayed an 80-seat majority. Who opened the door to mass immigration? Boris Johnson. Who betrayed the will of the Brexit voters? It was Boris Johnson. He claimed to be a Conservative but he governed as a Green.”

Home Secretary James Cleverly accused Mr Farage of echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine and Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey said Mr Farage is a Putin apologist who should never be trusted with our nation's security.




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