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Trump called Jocelyn Nungaray's mother 10 minutes before Biden debate

Trump called Jocelyn Nungaray's mother 10 minutes before Biden debate


Former President Trump called the mother of the slain 12-year-old Houston girl, Jocelyn Nungaray, just minutes before taking the stage to debate President Biden on Thursday. The slain girl's mother was reportedly “shocked” by the gesture of goodwill.

Jocelyn, who police said was strangled to death last week by two illegal immigrants, was buried earlier in the day at a north Houston cemetery.

During the debate, Trump mentioned that he had spoken to Jocelyn's mother before his high-stakes showdown with Biden, but Trump's campaign told Fox News Digital that the conversation took place just 10 minutes before the start of the debate.

“I just talked to the mother and they just had a funeral for this 12-year-old girl. It's horrible what happened,” Trump said during the debate where he repeatedly raised the issue illegal immigration and highlighted several high-profile murders. cases, police say, have been perpetrated by migrants.


Former President Trump called the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl murdered in Houston, to offer his condolences just minutes before moving on to debate President Biden on Thursday. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Victoria Galvan, who was with Alexis when Trump called, told the New York Post that the former president let her know there was no one he would rather talk to before the debate than her.

“He told me he was coming for a debate. He gave me his condolences and said he was going to get back to her,” Galvan told the Post. The newspaper was the first to report that Trump and Alexis spoke 10 minutes before the debate.

“He meant he was praying for Alexis and he was thinking about her and he wanted to reach out to her. He said he was going to reach out to her in a few days, I mean, she was really, we were all shocked,” Galvan said.


This image shows President Biden, former President Donald Trump and Jocelyn Nungaray. (Elizabeth Conley/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images, Samuel Corum/Getty Images, Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

The two suspects charged with Jocelyn's murder, Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Jose Pea Ramos, 26, are both charged with capital murder and their bail was set at $10 million this week. The two men, originally from Venezuela, entered the United States illegally near El Paso, Texas, before being captured by Border Patrol and released.

Jocelyn was strangled to death early last week in a case that prosecutors say bears signs of sexual assault.

A White House spokesperson said in a statement to NBC News last week that “our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of Jocelyn Nungaray.

“We cannot comment on ongoing matters conducted by law enforcement. But fundamentally, anyone found guilty of this type of heinous and shocking crime must be held accountable, to the fullest extent of the law,” the statement added.

Trump repeatedly hammered President Biden in the debate over the ongoing crisis at the southern border, saying Biden had destroyed a secure border and turned the United States into a “rat's nest.”


Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was found strangled to death in a Houston creek. (Fox Houston courtesy of the Nungaray family)

“He is the one who killed people with this bad border, including hundreds of thousands of people who died, and who also killed our citizens when they entered. We are living in a rat’s nest right now,” Trump said.

“They’re killing our citizens in New York, California and every state in the Union because we don’t have borders anymore. Every state is a border,” Trump said. “And because of his ridiculous, insane, very stupid policies, people are coming in and killing our citizens on a level that we’ve never seen.”

“We call it migrant crime. I call it Biden's migrant crime, they are killing our citizens at a level we have never seen before,” he said.

Fox News' Adam Shaw and Greg Norman contributed to this report.

Michael Dorgan is a writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business.

You can send tips to [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @M_Dorgan.




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