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Indonesia's creative industry makes waves as artists, musicians and developers shine globally

Indonesia's creative industry makes waves as artists, musicians and developers shine globally


The team, which launched its fundraising campaign in June, has raised more than $5,000 so far and hopes to publish its first issue in September.

Writing a good story takes dedication, sacrifice and (perseverance). Since I entered the world of comic writing, this project has been the most ambitious and ambitious, Mr. Bryan said in an Instagram post on April 11. He added that the concept for the story had been in his head since 2015.

Recognizing the potential of the creative sector, the government has been proactive in supporting artists.

With the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Mr Bryan along with others from the comics industry participated in the Singapore Comic Con 2023, which saw thousands of attendees and booths of over 450 brands offering products such as comics, toys, tabletop games and comics.

VoB reportedly received government assistance in processing the members' immigration paperwork ahead of their trip to play Glastonbury. They had to cancel a 2022 UK tour due to visa issues.

The group was also hosted at the residence of the Indonesian Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

Other recent government measures also reflect the desire to support the creative industry.

For example, the Ministry of Communication and Information backtracked in March on a wide-ranging proposed regulation involving video game companies, after receiving feedback that they could stifle the industry and restrict the access to the world market.

These bills will now target only online game publishers, rather than traditional offline publishers, following discussions officials have had with local gaming associations.

Most recently, on June 24, President Joko Widodo launched a new digital licensing service, which aims to cut down on the red tape and bureaucratic complications involved in hosting arts events in the country.

Mr Widodo said some events required 13 different permits and letters of recommendation, which he described as cumbersome and a deterrent to organising them.

With the upcoming digitalization of permits, I hope that it will not just be a web service, but will actually provide manageability, certainty, reduce bureaucracy and lead to cost reduction while being more open and transparent, he said.

While the creative economy's contribution to the Indonesian economy is increasing in absolute terms, economists have pointed out that its relative contribution to the total economy has declined.

Indonesia-based Permata Bank chief economist Josua Pardede told ST that the latest data showed the sector constituted 6.54% of Indonesia's overall economy in 2022, down from 7.02% in 2021.

In order to advance Indonesia's creative economy, Josua said the government needs to develop more high-value creative products, such as software and games, architectural services, design services, music and cinema.

These sectors, he explained, could also provide better-paying jobs.

The development of these sectors should also target the foreign market, not just the domestic market, as it could also help Indonesia's trade balance, especially by increasing the value of Indonesia's service exports, Mr Josua added.




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