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West Ham announce two stars will leave the club TODAY, joining nine other players on the release list


WEST HAM have released two more players, weeks after announcing their shortlist.

Ben Johnson, 24, and Divin Mubama, 19, will both leave the London Stadium when their contracts expire today.

Ben Johnson released by West Ham


Ben Johnson has been released by West HamCredit: Getty
Divin Mubama was also dismissed


Divin Mubama was also dismissedCredits: Reuters

A statement on the club's website read: “West Ham United can confirm that Ben Johnson and Divin Mubama will leave the club upon the expiration of their respective contracts at midnight on June 30, 2024.

“West Ham United would like to thank Ben and Divin for their hard work and commitment during their careers in Claret and Blue and wish them all the best for the future.”

Their release comes almost four weeks after the Hammers released their list of retained and released players.

Both players were included in the list of stars who were in talks with the club to extend their stay.


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But after failing to reach an agreement, the duo are now free agents.

Both players are graduates of West Ham's academy and leave the club after breaking into the first team through the ranks.

Mubama made his debut in 2022 and has since made 18 first-team appearances.

While Johnson's connection with the club dates back to his professional debut in 2019.




Johnson ultimately made 109 appearances for West Ham and even contributed to the Irons' Europa Conference League success in 2023.

The former England youth international released a statement on the club's website thanking fans for supporting him during his 17 years in east London.

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He wrote: “I wish West Ham every success for the coming season under the new head coach and of course I will miss all my team-mates and staff, as well as the supporters.

“West Ham will always be a part of my life and one that I will remember with fondness and much love.

“I became a young man and a better player thanks to West Ham, so finally a big thank you to the Club!”

Johnson may already have a new club lined up with Ipswich Town in talks to sign the defender.

Johnson and Mubama join nine other players released by West Ham this summer.

Angelo Ogbonna was the most notable of the nine other stars, while goalkeeper Joseph Anang was also shown the exit door.

The other seven names to leave are all academy prospects.

They are Jacob Knightbridge, Keenan Appiah-Forson, Dan Chesters, Liam Jones, Jerry Umolu, Seb Boothe and Blaise Uwandji.

Ben Johnson's full statement

Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone associated with West Ham United for supporting me over the last 17 years and developing me into a first team player.

I was lucky enough to go through the Football Academy and play for the first team in the Premier League, national cups and European competitions.

I just want to be known and recognized for my time at West Ham, for playing with a smile and for really enjoying my football. It's really important to me.

I would say my most special memory is winning the UEFA Europa Conference League. Being involved in winning a European trophy doesn't happen often, so to be there and be a part of it, and to be able to achieve that with West Ham was incredible.

My dreams were surpassed by what happened two seasons ago and I'm so happy to have made it as a West Ham player. I will never forget that night.

I wish West Ham all the best for the upcoming season under the new head coach and of course I will miss all my teammates and staff, as well as the supporters.

West Ham will always be a part of my life and I will remember it with fondness and lots of love. I became a younger man and a better player because of West Ham, so finally a big thank you to the club!

See you soon everyone.





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