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United Kingdom: these former lands of Brexit where Labor regains the favor of readers

United Kingdom: these former lands of Brexit where Labor regains the favor of readers


A stone's throw from Stoke-on-Trent station stands a brand new ten-storey brick-coloured block, overlooking the Trent and Mersey Canal and its warehouses currently undergoing renovation. The building is still empty, but a sign promises housing, offices and shops here in the near future. The Good Yards, as the developers have named it, is one of the regeneration projects financed by Levelling Up funds, the regional rebalancing policy launched by Boris Johnson after Brexit.

Five years after the Conservatives won this mid-sized town halfway between Birmingham and Manchester, known for being one of the most deprived in England, the disenchantment is palpable. Boris Johnson came here promising money for everyone. People felt that Labour was getting them nowhere. So they thought: why not give it a try?, explains Philip Catney, professor of politics at Keele University.

Red Wall Bastions

On July 4, the city is preparing to take the opposite path. According to the YouGov institute, Keir Starmer's party should take back the three constituencies in Stoke-on-Trent from the Conservatives. Like large sections of the red wall, these working regions of the north of England, seduced by Brexit, and where Boris Johnson brought down entire bastions of the Labor Party in 2019.

Moreover, the Tory MP elected at the time, Jo Gideon, decided not to run again, like 75 of her colleagues within the party. It's nice to see a nice building in the city center, but it doesn't make you feel better when you're struggling to make ends meet, says Philip Catney.

According to Gareth Snell, Labor candidate for Stoke-on-Trent, the topic that comes up most often on doorsteps is the cost of living crisis, after inflation soared to 11% in the United Kingdom. Life is tough right now, for too many people. Grandparents and parents wonder what future their children will have, he says. Coming to debate at Staffordshire University, the legislative candidates review the problems that are shaking the city: the insufficient bus network, the impossibility of finding a doctor, the qualifications of young people, the increase in domestic violence, energy insecurity

With an average disposable household income of £15,470 a year, Stoke-on-Trent is among the ten poorest cities in England. Life expectancy, seven years below the English average, has fallen over the past decade. The city has recently been dubbed by the media as the capital of Monkey Dust, a synthetic drug with effects similar to cocaine, which is booming. I see these patients every day on my doorstep, warns Navid Kaleem, an independent candidate who has been a pharmacist for 15 years.

Traditional values

If Labour is regaining ground in this region, massively in favour of Brexit, it is first of all because its leader, Keir Starmer, gave up on reopening the subject of Europe during the campaign. The party has drawn a line and considered that Brexit is now a done deal, believes Philip Catney. According to him, his personality is less divisive than that of his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn in a region like Staffordshire: Corbyn's sometimes ambiguous positions on Hamas or the IRA did not go down well here, because people are attached to the flag, to traditional values.

What if Labour fails to govern? The far right is already lying in wait. Since Nigel Farage entered the campaign, Reform UK has made a breakthrough in Stoke-on-Trent voting intentions. In two of the three constituencies, the party could come second, ahead of the Conservatives, according to YouGov.




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