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Erdoan leads AKP 'consultation camp' with local agenda

Erdoan leads AKP 'consultation camp' with local agenda



Erdoan leads AKP consultation camp with local agenda

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoan, is organizing the second stage of its “consultation camp” in Kzlcahamam district, Ankara, from June 30 to July 2.

The camp will discuss the results of recent local elections and the party's initiatives in the areas of economy, energy, agriculture, transport, tourism and environment, according to media reports.

Earlier this month, the first stage of the camp brought together senior AK Party officials, founding members, parliamentarians and ministers. The session included comprehensive presentations from key figures and focused on legislative activities.

The second stage will be devoted to mayors. Discussions will focus on the evaluation of the results of the local elections of March 31.

Polls saw the AKP's vote share fall from 44.33 percent in 2019 to 35.48 percent, putting it in second place behind the main opposition Republican People's Party ( CHP).

It was the first time that the CHP had surpassed the AKP.

Camp participants will analyze the reasons for the decline in voting and create a roadmap to address the challenges facing local governments.

Additionally, the AKP's draft law on stray animals is expected to be an important topic of discussion. The bill has sparked public and political debate with its guidelines regarding stray dogs.

The bill prioritizes capturing aggressive, rabies-prone, or anatomically deformed dogs, while allowing non-threatening, sterilized dogs to remain on the streets.

Stray animals deemed too sick or aggressive to be placed in a shelter, or those not adopted within a month, would face “euthanasia” under the proposed law, a measure that has sparked controversy.

At a high-level AKP meeting last week, Erdoan called for alternatives to euthanizing stray dogs to be explored, as reported by the Hrriyet daily.

The meeting also considered alternatives, such as requiring municipalities to establish shelters based on the breed, species and condition of the animals, under penalty of heavy penalties for non-compliance.

The first session of the second stage of the camp will begin on July 1, with presentations from Mehmet Zhaseki, Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya and Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Gkta Zdemir.

They will inform the mayors of their respective duties.

In the second session, Erdoan would deliver a speech outlining his expectations for mayors.

Presentations from other individuals, including Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Imek and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdlkadir Uralolu, will also be made during this session.

After the camp, Erdoan will attend a Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Kazakhstan on July 3-4, where he is expected to hold bilateral meetings, including one with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.




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