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Chinese President Xi Jinping to attend SCO summit in Astana – ThePrint – PTIFeed

Chinese President Xi Jinping to attend SCO summit in Astana – ThePrint – PTIFeed


Beijing, June 30 (PTI) – Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the 24th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan's capital Astana this week, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

He will also pay a state visit to Tajikistan, the statement said.

From July 2 to 6, President Xi will attend the 24th meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State in Astana, the ministry said.

Officials say the situation in Afghanistan, the conflict in Ukraine and strengthening overall security cooperation among SCO member countries should be on the summit's agenda.

The SCO, comprising India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, is an influential economic and security bloc that has become one of the largest transregional international organizations.

India will be represented by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) announced earlier.

Officials say there is a likelihood of a meeting on the sidelines of the summit between Jaishankar and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is expected to accompany Xi.

If held, it will be the first high-level meeting between Indian and Chinese officials since the formation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Government 3.0 following India's recent general elections.

Typically, the Indian Prime Minister attends the SCO summit, providing an opportunity for Indian and Chinese leaders on the sidelines of the meeting of the heads of state of the eight-member bloc.

But since Modi decided to ignore it, importance is being given to the likely meeting between Jaishankar and Wang, in light of the frozen relations between the two countries for four years due to the standoff in eastern Ladakh.

Relations between the two countries have reached their lowest level, except trade, since the standoff on the eastern border of Ladakh erupted on May 5, 2020, following a violent clash in the region of Pangong Tso (lake), near Galwan.

Since the May 2020 clashes, the two sides have so far held 21 rounds of corps commander-level talks to resolve the standoff. The 22nd meeting is scheduled to take place. According to the Chinese military, the two sides have so far agreed to disengage from four points, namely Galwan Valley, Pangong Lake, hot springs and Jianan Daban (Gogra) in eastern Ladakh.

India is pressuring the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to disengage from the Depsang and Demchok regions, saying there can be no return to normalcy in its relations with China as long as the border situation remains abnormal.

For its part, China continues to maintain that the border issue does not represent the entirety of Sino-Indian relations and should be placed appropriately in bilateral relations and managed properly.

Kazakhstan is hosting the summit in its capacity as the group's current chair.

India chaired the SCO last year. It hosted the SCO summit in virtual format in July last year.

India has shown keen interest in deepening its security cooperation with the SCO and its Regional Counter-Terrorism Structure (RATS), which specifically deals with security and defense issues.

The SCO was founded at a summit in Shanghai in 2001 by the presidents of Russia, China, the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Pakistan became its permanent member along with India in 2017.PTI KJV ZH ZH

This report is automatically generated by PTI news service. ThePrint assumes no responsibility for its content.




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