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Rohit Sharma becomes second oldest captain after Imran Khan to win ICC Trophy – International

Rohit Sharma becomes second oldest captain after Imran Khan to win ICC Trophy – International


Rohit Sharma (left) and Imran Khan (right). – AFP

Indian captain Rohit Sharma became the second-oldest captain to win an ICC trophy after leading his team to a second T20 World Cup title against South Africa in Barbados.

Rohit's age [37y, 60d] on Saturday, making him the oldest captain to win a T20 World Cup. He is also the second-oldest captain to win an ICC tournament final, behind Imran Khan, who was 39 years and 172 days old when Pakistan beat England in the 1992 ODI World Cup final.

Oldest captains to lift an ICC trophy

Imran Khan – 1992 ODI World Cup – 39 years 172 days

Rohit Sharma: T20 World Cup 2024 – 37 years 60 days

Brian Lara: Champions Trophy 2004 – 35 years 146 days

Aaron Finch: T20 World Cup 2021 – 34 years 362 days

Clive Lloyd: 1979 ODI World Cup – 34 years 296 days

It is worth noting that Rohit announced his retirement from T20Is along with veteran batter Virat Kohli after a historic win.

South Africa, who were chasing the target of 177 runs in the final, missed the target by seven runs. The only players to hold off the Indian attack were Quinton de Kock and Heinrich Klaasen, who scored 39 out of 31 points and 52 out of 27 points, respectively.

Rohit had won the toss and elected to bat first. The decision, initially, did not look good as Rohit, Rishabh Pant and Suryakumar Yadav fell early in the innings.

However, Kohli, who was unable to play for the entire 2024 T20 World Cup, delivered an innings of 76 runs off 59 balls, helping India reach a total of 176 with the loss of seven wickets.

While accepting the player of the match award, Kohli also confirmed that this was his last T20 and T20I World Cup match while representing India and he would now be hanging up his boots.

Kohlis' glorious T20I career began in 2010 and the veteran batsman went on to represent India in 125 T20Is, scoring 4,188 runs at an average of 48.69.

For India, this is their second victory in the T20 World Cup. The country won its first T20 World Cup title in 2007 (the inaugural edition of the tournament) by beating Pakistan in the final.

This T20 World Cup 2024 also ends the trophy drought of India, who last won an ICC trophy in 2013 when they won the Champions Trophy under the captaincy of MS Dhoni.




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