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Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin has called political parties into question by revealing he will not support any of them ahead of the general election, despite previous donations to the Reform and Conservatives.


JDWetherspoon boss Sir Tim Martin has announced he will not support any political party in the general election, although he has supported the Conservatives and Reformers in the past and donated $200,000 to the Vote Leave campaign in 2016.

During the last election in 2019, the pub chain's founder and chairman donated $50,000 to the Conservative Party led by Boris Johnson.

Two years later, the prominent Brexit supporter donated $25,000 to Reform UK when it was founded by Nigel Farage and Richard Tice.

The businessman also donated money to the Labour Leave lobby group.

Sir Tim, 69, appeared to praise Sir Keir Starmer in 2023, but his refusal to fork out money to support the party this year appears to indicate he has not been impressed by the Labor leader.

Wetherspoon boss Sir Tim Martin pictured in 2017. The company's chairman announced he would not support any political party in the general election

Wetherspoon boss Sir Tim Martin, pictured in 2017. The company chairman announced he would not support a political party in the general election.

Wetherspoon, which Sir Tim grew into a national chain with more than 800 branches, revealed a surge in sales in May (Stock photo)

Wetherspoon, which Sir Tim has grown into a national chain with more than 800 branches, revealed a surge in sales in May (Stock photo)

Sir Tim pictured with Boris Johnson in July 2019. He supported the former Prime Minister during his election campaign

Sir Tim pictured with Boris Johnson in July 2019. He supported the former Prime Minister during his election campaign

He said The telegraph:“For several years I have donated to the Brexit Party, Reform and Labor Leave.

“I have decided not to support any party in this general election, as I have done in every general election before the referendum. I have not made any donations to any political party this year.”

Sir Tim previously said he would support the Labor leader if he delivered a good set of policies, insisting he had never been a supporter of the Conservative Party.

The Wetherspoon chairman stressed that he had only backed Mr Johnson because he shared his views on Brexit.

Sir Tim received his knighthood in the New Year Honours for services to business and hospitality, but the appointment is also thought to explain his support for Britain leaving the EU.

The honour was welcomed by Mr Farage, as well as pro-Brexit Conservative politicians including Sir Jacob Rees Mogg.

The businessman maintained his support for the UK's decision to leave the bloc, but acknowledged “exaggerated claims” had been made by both sides of the debate.

Sir Tim pictured in 2020. He opposed lockdown measures during the pandemic

Sir Tim pictured in 2020. He opposed lockdown measures during the pandemic

The Wetherspoon leader pictured with Nigel Farage in 2019. He supported Farage's Reform Party in 2021 when it was founded

The Wetherspoon leader pictured with Nigel Farage in 2019. He supported Farage's Reform Party in 2021 when it was founded

Sir Tim has also become a vocal critic of Covid lockdowns, warning of the impact they have had on the hospitality industry.

Wetherspoon, which Sir Tim has grown into a national chain with more than 800 branches, revealed a surge in sales in May, with its chairman attributing the rise in demand to Guinness becoming “trendy” thanks to social media trends.




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