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Election 2024 after the debate: the road ahead for Biden and Trump

Election 2024 after the debate: the road ahead for Biden and Trump


For Democrats, Thursday night's debate was a nightmare. President Joe Biden's performance in the showdown in Atlanta, seen by more than 50 million people, sparked panic, with a wave of editorials and commentators imploring Biden, 81, to give up.

Katie Rogers, a New York Times reporter who covers the Biden White House, said: “There’s a general recognition that the president played poorly. It went poorly. It was a bad night. But there were no big meetings, no big soul-searching sessions. You just have to get back to work.”

Rogers, who wrote a book that takes an in-depth look at the influence of first lady Jill Biden, said she has not noticed attempts within the Biden family to question the relevance of this candidacy. re-election. In fact, Rogers says calls for Biden to resign will likely only strengthen the first family's resolve to keep him in power: “The detractors are key to understanding it. I mean, they motivate him. They help to reinforce the idea he has of himself. You can't overcome an obstacle if people don't put it in your way, or if life doesn't put it in your way. »

For Biden, navigating a chasm of pain — whether personal tragedy or political humiliation — is nothing new. After more than half a century in Washington, he has suffered setbacks time and time again, including when many Democrats and pundits wrote him off in 2020. Biden, of course, ultimately won that race, defeating then-President Donald Trump.

Last week made it clear that winning a rematch won't be easy. Trump is leading in the polls, despite his false statements, such as during the January 6 debate, on abortion and on his own record.

Faiz Shakir, a top adviser to Bernie Sanders who led Sanders' 2020 campaign when the Vermont senator ran against Biden for the Democratic nomination, said that after the debate, Democrats were more alarmed about Trump's possible return to the White House, despite his public outing in support of President Biden.

“I think there’s some apprehension behind the scenes as people line up behind him,” Shakir said. “Obviously, President Biden has to decide whether he stays in this race. And I hope he does. And I hope if he does, he’s going to have to make some changes.”

Think Mr. Biden will be replaced at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August? Think again. The president has already won nearly all of his 4,000 or so pledged delegates. Unless he withdraws, they should vote for him in the first round.

So is anyone making credible moves behind the scenes toward a possible shakeup of the Democratic ticket? “No,” Shakir said. “A lot of people are looking at four years. At this point, this party belongs to him. This nomination belongs to him. And he's really the one who gets to decide where it goes in the future.”

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu supported Nikki Haley during the Republican primary, but has since supported Trump. He said: “For a while, the argument could be made that, you know, 'Gee, it was hard to defend Donald Trump as a Republican, and we were going to support him.' But today, it's much harder for Democrats to explain why they would stick with Joe Biden. »

Trump has his critics and challenges, including his July trial date for his criminal conviction in New York. But Sununu said the Republican Party is largely on his side.

And after last week's debate, they feel better than ever.

Sununu also doesn't believe any Democrat can stand up to Biden: “No. No one, if they're smart. I think they're going to realize that they want a new nominee, but they had their chance. They blew it. They have to wait, hope there's a second debate, hope he does a lot better, hope Trump creates a bigger problem for himself.”

The day after the debate, with his wife at his side, the president sought to reassure North Carolina Democrats: “Folks, I don't walk as smoothly as I used to. I don't talk as softly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth, I know right from wrong, and I know how to do this job. And I know, as millions of Americans know: When you get knocked down, you get back up.”

The Times' Katie Rogers says that for now, Biden seems convinced he has one last comeback…in what will most likely be the final campaign of his long career. “Both of them, when they feel the odds are stacked against him, that’s when they become more combative,” she said. “They see the obstacles as part of his long political life, they almost associate them with his political brand. But age isn't an obstacle, it's a calculation, and it's a different problem than any he's faced before. »

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Article by Mark Hudspeth. Editors: Emanuele Secci and Chad Cardin.

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