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Anti-Israel activists responsible for political violence during Trump-Biden debate

Anti-Israel activists responsible for political violence during Trump-Biden debate


Anti-Israel activists called for a shift from protests to activism and violent revolution during demonstrations against the presidential debate between US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta on Thursday.

“We're saying, f**k the police, we're going to burn them down and take what's ours from the streets. And that's not an empty threat, it's a promise,” said one woman speaking to around a hundred activists during a demonstration. organized by Palestine Action US. “The days of protests are behind us, and being peaceful in the belly of the beast that is committing unlimited genocide in the Global South is a shame. It is time that we follow the example of activists from oppressed nations. It is time to change our direction from protest to resistance.

The ad for the “Stop the Debate” protest explained that Biden and Trump were both part of a system that needed to be disrupted, calling the choice between Democrat and Republican a “false choice.” In a video released by Palestine Action US, the speaker calls for the beheading of the “two-headed beast.”

“Intifada, Intifada. Long live the Intifada,” the activists chanted. “Globalize the Intifada.”

Opting for a “tactical retreat”

The Escalate network said on X on Friday that protesters opted for a “tactical retreat” in the face of police. The group claimed that a speaker cited the philosophy of deceased terrorist Basel Al-Araj and told other protesters “we fight when we are ready, not when the enemy is ready.” Democratic presidential candidate U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. June 27, 2024. (credit: REUTERS)

The Party for Socialism and Liberation also held protests outside CNN's Atlanta studio where the debate was held. The PSL's own presidential candidate, Claudia De la Cruz, joined the pro-Palestinian protests.

“As genocidal Joe and arch-racist Donald Trump each clamored to call themselves greater supporters of Israel and the war machine than their opponent, more and more people reject the two-party system and desire a alternative,” PSL Atlanta said on Instagram on Saturday. . “No matter who takes over the presidency in November, we will not give up until we achieve a permanent ceasefire, an end to the occupation, and an end to all U.S. aid to Israel!” We must build a mass movement that will demolish this injustice. system!”

The Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America and the Atlanta Multifaith Coalition for Palestine also participated in the PSL protests.

A photo shared on Instagram by the coalition on Saturday said: “This whole damn system has to go.”

The Atlanta-based DSA said on social media Saturday that neither Trump nor Biden represented the “will of working people.”




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