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Donald Trump's obsession with migrants – The Atlantic

Donald Trump's obsession with migrants – The Atlantic


Whatever the question, his answer is: illegal immigrants.

Hannah Beier/Bloomberg/Getty

June 30, 2024, 11:03 a.m. ET

During Thursday's debate, while Joe Biden struggled to craft a sentence, Donald Trump struggled to utter a sentence that wasn't about illegal immigrants destroying the country.

Tough rhetoric and policies on migrants and borders have long been a pillar of Trump’s political identity, but they were once part of a much broader range of grievances. On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump railed against free trade, vowed revenge on China for ripping off America, and accused corporate and Wall Street leaders of unjustly enriching themselves. This time around, however, Trump has all but abandoned his other concerns in favor of a monocausal theory of all the problems America faces, and even some it doesn’t face: an apocalyptic onslaught of immigrants, welcomed into the country by Biden, who are killing our country. People in New York, in California, in every state in the union, because we no longer have borders.

Asked about his role in inciting a violent attack on the Capitol on January 6, Trump said: “And let me tell you about January 6: On January 6, we had a big border, no one was crossing, very few . How about solving climate change? » [Biden] Biden is destroying all of our health care programs because of the migrants coming in. Do you have any plans to make child care more affordable? Biden wants open borders. He either wants our country destroyed or he wants to elect these people as voters. What about keeping Social Security solvent? But Social Security, he's destroying it. Because millions of people are pouring into our country, and they're putting them on Social Security, they're putting them on Medicare, Medicaid. Racial inequality? As sure as you're sitting there, the fact is that his biggest victim of black people is the millions of people he allowed in across the border.

During a Democratic primary debate in 2007, a younger and more verbally adept Biden memorably ridiculed Rudy Giuliani, at the time the Republican front-runner, for trying to build an entire political persona around his leadership after the September 11 attacks. Rudy Giuliani only mentions three things in one sentence: a noun, a verb and 9/11, Biden joked. I mean, there's nothing else!

If Biden had been as perceptive as he once was, he might have been able to make Trump's obsession seem like madness and cruelty. He might have been able to point out that for all of Trump's talk about violence, violent crime, which increased in 2020 and 2021, has fallen over the past two years and is falling even faster this year, including in cities that have recently received large numbers of migrants. (As of last week, the city of Boston had seen only four murders in 2024, compared to 18 at the same time last year.) He might have observed that the number of border crossings has fallen by half since December. And he might have scoffed at the absurdity of Trump's claim that migrant workers are exhausting Social Security, when in fact, by paying Social Security taxes without receiving benefits, they are doing exactly opposite.

In fact, Biden did not do so. Trump’s dark and bizarre portrait of a nation on the brink of civilizational collapse at the hands of migrant hordes has hardly been challenged. It is now up to voters to decide what is the greater threat to their way of life.




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