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Chinese President Xi Jinping praises India's 'Panchsheel'

Chinese President Xi Jinping praises India's 'Panchsheel'


Beijing [China]June 29 (ANI): Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday highlighted the relevance of India's 'Panchsheel' in resolving current conflicts at a conference in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

“…Chinese leaders have for the first time spelled out the Five Principles in their entirety, namely mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. They have included the Five Principles in the China-India and China-Myanmar joint statements, which jointly call for making them basic norms for state-to-state relations,” Xi said.

The Panchsheel Accord, also known as the Five Principles of Coexistence, is a set of principles governing relations between states. They were first codified in an agreement between India and China in 1954.

“The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence originated in Asia, but soon emerged on the world stage. In 1955, more than 20 Asian and African countries participated in the Bandung Conference. They proposed ten principles for managing inter-state relations based on the Five Principles and advocated the Bandung spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation. The Non-Aligned Movement that emerged in the 1960s adopted the Five Principles as its guiding principles,” he added.

Referring to the “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence”, also known as “Panchsheel”, the Chinese president said they responded to the call of the times and their implementation was an inevitable historical development.

Panchsheel's timeless relevance lies in its strong roots in the cultural traditions of its creators, two of the world's oldest civilizations. The connection established by the spread of Buddhism in China laid the historical foundation for the formulation of the principles of Panchsheel by India and China, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Citing the importance of the region's growth, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the Global South, although distinguished by strong dynamics, it is still important for it to be more inclusive and open.

“The past 70 years have repeatedly proved that an effective way for countries to jointly address challenges and create a better future is to strengthen unity, cooperation, communication and understanding. Of all the forces in the world, the South stands out. With strong momentum, playing a vital role in promoting human progress, standing at a new historical starting point, the countries of the South should be more open and inclusive, and join hands to take the lead in building a community with a shared future for mankind,” the Chinese president said Friday.

“Together, we should be the team building global governance. We should actively participate in the reform and development of the global governance system, expand the common interests of all parties, and make the global governance architecture more balanced and effective. Together, we should be the advocates of exchanges among civilizations,” Xi added in a veiled attack on the West, according to a press release from China's Foreign Ministry.

The Declaration on the Principles of International Law adopted at the 25th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1970 and the Declaration on the Establishment of the New International Economic Order adopted at the sixth special session of the UNGA in 1974 both endorsed the five principles.

“Through their inclusion in important international documents, the Five Principles have been widely recognized and respected by the international community,” the Chinese president said.

Panchsheel, or the five principles of peaceful coexistence, were first formally stated in the Agreement on Trade and Relations between the Tibet Region of China and India signed on April 29, 1954, which stipulated, in its preamble, that the two governments “have decided to conclude this agreement on the basis of the following principles: mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence,” according to MEA.

Two months later, during Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai's visit to India, he and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru issued a joint statement on June 28, 1954, which elaborated their vision of Panchsheel as a framework, not only for relations between the two countries, but also for their relations with all other countries, so that a firm foundation could be laid for world peace and security. (ANI)




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